Raymond Toms

Raymond Thoms

Player Information

Nickname/Web username: FizzixIsFun
Year of birth: 1965
Year started playing pool: Got a 6 foot snooker table at Christmas when I was 16ish. Learned all the basic shots and cue ball control. It was quite funny when you had to open a cupboard door and stand in the cupboard to play some shots. Bryan too, but he never really played much then. Ramsay used to play on that table with my wee brother. I joined the league around about 1989 give or take a year or so. I joined The aces under Captain Alex Eddington who many will know and love.
Current team: Whitehills Aces


Raymond is one of the elder statesman in the EKPL and has been a solid competitor ever since joining the league over twenty years ago. A stalwart in the Aces team, Raymond is regularly in or around his team’s POTY, and his flurrys into tournaments always see his performances doing his team proud. None more so than a fantastic run in the EK singles in 2006 where he too Lee Miller the distance in the semi finals.

Singles Information

Greatest pool achievement in singles:
Lost in Semi-final of EK singles against Lee Millar in 2006.

Honours in singles competition
Won internal player of the year many times but that’s it. Don’t really take part in all the tourneys. Oh I’ve won a few games of killer if that counts.

Team Information

Aspirations for the current season:
Finish in the top half of league.

Greatest pool achievement with a team:
Premier League champions 2005 (dunno what that was but we won it – I’ve still got the trophy)

Honours in team competition
Premier League champions 2005 + Robert Black Consolation Cup Winners – 2007


Make: Riley – John Higgins
Acquired: Brother Bryan bought me it for my birthday or Christmas.
Cost: around £45
Tip size: 9mm
Who retips it? Either me or John Neil

General Questions

Who, or what, inspired you to play?
Playing against guys like Jim Barclay, Polecat and Colin Harkness up the Whitehills when it was the best place to go for a game of pool.

Favourite EK team you have played in?
Erm… Aces, it’s the only team I’ve played for.

Favourite EK team you haven’t played in?
Dunno really but always felt the Tower were a good bunch who didn’t take themselves too seriously

Best player you have ever played against?
I was going to say Purdie, but that would have been a lie. Too many great players to compare – Arthur Russo, as I don’t think I’ve ever beat him, or maybe Tam Talent for the same reason. Think I’ve beat the rest (probably wrong there too)

Best player you have played alongside?
Billy Edmonds – I taught him everything he knows when he joined us for his EK league debut.

Favourite pro players (Pool or Snooker):

  • Steve Davis
  • Stephen Hendry
  • Alex Higgins

Who is your bogey player?
A guy in the pub – Alan Ferguson. He just trusts to luck and whacks the balls in. I hate playing him.

What’s the one match that sticks in your memory
That semi against Lee – I think I was 4-2 up and made a mess of an easy finish for the match. Think my bottle just crashed.

What would you say your best pool attribute is?
I just enjoy the game. I don’t usually get rattled too easily and enjoy a bit of banter. I am courteous in both victory and defeat.

How would you rate the current standard of pool in EK?
I think there is a huge range of ability in the league which is a great thing. Everyone can take part and enjoy the night out, and get to see some very talented players give them a lesson. I am often very impressed with some of the finishes that get pulled off. Beginners should take note of these players and learn from them.

What do you think we could do to raise the standard of pool in EK?
The standard will only improve if the individual players want to improve their own games. They should practice regularly and soberly, against people who are better than them.

Anything else you would like to say?
I think the league has been a great way for me to develop as a player and to meet many skilled players. Some of whom I might even call friends. I hope I can keep causing upsets against the big names. I love it when that happens.