League Results


10th September 2019
Calderwood 7-7 Amigos
Entertainers 11-3 Assassins
Jokers 7-7 Greenhills
Langlands 13-1 Hateful 8
Murray 3-11 Club 72
Top Guns 13-1 Cuesters
17th September 2019
Entertainers 13-1 Warriors
Greenhills 4-10 Top Guns
Cuesters 6-8 Langlands
Hateful 8 7-7 Calderwood
Assassins 11-3 Amigos
Club 72 7-7 Jokers
24th September 2019
Calderwood 4-10 Cuesters
Amigos 9-5 Hateful 8
Langlands 11-3 Greenhills
Murray 3-11 Entertainers
Warriors 7-7 Assassins
Top Guns 5-9 Club 72
1st October 2019
Entertainers 5-9 Jokers
Greenhills 11-3 Calderwood
Cuesters 8-6 Amigos
Warriors 5-9 Murray
Assassins 11-3 Hateful 8
Club 72 9-5 Langlands
8th October 2019
Calderwood 4-10 Club 72
Amigos 3-11 Greenhills
Jokers 11-3 Warriors
Murray 5-9 Assassins
Hateful 8 9-5 Cuesters
Top Guns 7-7 Entertainers
15th October 2019
Entertainers 12-2 Langlands
Greenhills 11-3 Hateful 8
Murray 6-8 Jokers
Warriors 3-11 Top Guns
Assassins 8-6 Cuesters
Club 72 11-3 Amigos
22nd October 2019
Calderwood 4-10 Entertainers
Jokers 4-10 Assassins
Langlands 8-6 Warriors
Cuesters 6-8 Greenhills
Hateful 8 2-12 Club 72
Top Guns 12-2 Murray
29th October 2019
Entertainers 11-3 Amigos
Jokers 9-5 Top Guns
Murray 6-8 Langlands
Warriors 10-4 Calderwood
Assassins 10-4 Greenhills
Club 72 10-4 Cuesters
26th November 2019
Calderwood 6-8 Murray
Amigos 6-8 Warriors
Greenhills 4-10 Club 72
Langlands 6-8 Jokers
Hateful 8 3-11 Entertainers
Top Guns 9-5 Assassins
10th December 2019
Entertainers 11-3 Cuesters
Jokers 12-2 Calderwood
Murray 9-5 Amigos
Warriors 11-3 Hateful 8
Assassins 8-6 Club 72
Top Guns 8-6 Langlands
17th December 2019
Calderwood 1-13 Top Guns
Amigos 5-9 Jokers
Greenhills 7-7 Entertainers
Langlands 6-8 Assassins
Cuesters 4-10 Warriors
Hateful 8 4-10 Murray
7th January 2020
Entertainers 6-8 Club 72
Jokers 11-3 Hateful 8
Langlands 12-2 Calderwood
Murray 6-8 Cuesters
Warriors 4-10 Greenhills
Top Guns 11-3 Amigos
14th January 2020
Calderwood 4-10 Assassins
Amigos 5-9 Langlands
Greenhills 9-5 Murray
Cuesters 5-9 Jokers
Hateful 8 3-11 Top Guns
Club 72 9-5 Warriors
21st January 2020
Amigos P-P Calderwood
Greenhills 6-8 Jokers
Cuesters 2-12 Top Guns
Hateful 8 4-10 Langlands
Assassins 6-8 Entertainers
Club 72 10-4 Murray
4th February 2020
Calderwood 8-6 Hateful 8
Amigos 4-10 Assassins
Jokers 5-9 Club 72
Langlands 12-2 Cuesters
Warriors 4-10 Entertainers
Top Guns 12-2 Greenhills
11th February 2020
Entertainers 10-4 Murray
Greenhills 8-6 Langlands
Cuesters 9-5 Calderwood
Hateful 8 7-7 Amigos
Assassins 10-4 Warriors
Club 72 5-9 Top Guns
25th February 2020
Calderwood 5-9 Greenhills
Amigos 9-5 Cuesters
Langlands 2-12 Club 72
Murray 6-8 Warriors
Hateful 8 2-12 Assassins
3rd March 2020
Entertainers P-P Top Guns
Greenhills 11-3 Amigos
Cuesters 5-9 Hateful 8
Warriors 1-13 Jokers
Assassins 13-1 Murray
Club 72 9-5 Calderwood
10th March 2020
Amigos 5-9 Club 72
Jokers 9-5 Murray
Langlands 6-8 Entertainers
Cuesters 3-11 Assassins
Hateful 8 7-7 Greenhills
Top Guns 10-4 Warriors
24th March 2020
Entertainers Calderwood
Greenhills Cuesters
Murray Top Guns
Warriors Langlands
Assassins Jokers
Club 72 Hateful 8
31st March 2020
Calderwood Warriors
Amigos Entertainers
Greenhills Assassins
Langlands Murray
Cuesters Club 72
Top Guns Jokers
14th April 2020
Entertainers Hateful 8
Jokers Langlands
Murray Calderwood
Warriors Amigos
Assassins Top Guns
Club 72 Greenhills
28th April 2020
Jokers Entertainers
Assassins Langlands
5th May 2020
Calderwood Jokers
Amigos Murray
Langlands Top Guns
Cuesters Entertainers
Hateful 8 Warriors
Club 72 Assassins
19th May 2020
Entertainers Greenhills
Jokers Amigos
Murray Hateful 8
Warriors Cuesters
Top Guns Calderwood
9th June 2020
Calderwood Langlands
Amigos Top Guns
Greenhills Warriors
Cuesters Murray
Hateful 8 Jokers
Club 72 Entertainers
16th June 2020
Jokers Cuesters
Langlands Amigos
Murray Greenhills
Warriors Club 72
Assassins Calderwood
Top Guns Hateful 8


11th September 2018
Entertainers 9-5 Greenhills
Jokers 11-3 Amigos
Langlands 7-7 Tower
Murray 4-10 Club 72
Assassins 9-5 Hunters
Top Guns10-4 Cuesters
18th September 2018
Amigos 7-7 Murray
Calderwoord 7-7 Jokers
Club 72 7-7 Langlands
Cuesters 5-9 Entertainers
Hunters 5-9 Top Guns
Tower 7-7 Assassins
25th September 2018
Entertainers 10-4 Hunters
Greenhills 11-3 Cuesters
Langlands 13-1 Amigos
Murray 12-2 Calderwoord
Assassins 6-8 Club 72
Top Guns 11-3 Tower
2nd October 2018
Amigos 5-9 Assassins
Calderwood 5-9 Langlands
Club 72 8-6 Top Guns
Hunters 3-11 Greenhills
Jokers 7-7 Murray
Tower 5-9 Entertainers
9th October 2018
Assassins 10-4 Calderwood
Top Guns 11-3 Amigos
Entertainers 7-7 Club 72
Greenhills 10-4 Tower
Langlands 5-9 Jokers
Cuesters 9-5 Hunters
16th October 2018
Calderwood 2-12 Top Guns
Club 72 6-8 Greenhills
Amigos 8-6 Entertainers
Jokers 10-4 Assassins
Murray 7-7 Langlands
Tower 9-5 Cuesters
23rd October 2018
Hunters 8-6 Tower
Assassins 10-4 Murray
Top Guns 11-3 Jokers
Entertainers 10-4 Calderwood
Greenhills 9-5 Amigos
Cuesters 4-10 Club 72
13th November 2018
Calderwood 3-11 Greenhills
Club 72 8-6 Hunters
Amigos 7-7 Cuesters
Jokers 2-12 Entertainers
Langlands 7-7 Assassins
Murray 4-10 Top Guns
27th November 2018
Hunters 10-4 Amigos
Top Guns 9-5 Langlands
Entertainers 9-5 Murray
Greenhills 7-7 Jokers
Cuesters 8-6 Calderwood
Tower 4-10 Club 72
4th December 2018
Calderwood 5-9 Hunters
Assassins 5-9 Top Guns
Amigos 10-4 Tower
Jokers 11-3 Cuesters
Langlands 3-11 Entertainers
Murray 4-10 Greenhills
11th December 2018
Hunters 2-12 Jokers
Club 72 11-3 Amigos
Entertainers 9-5 Assassins
Greenhills 9-5 Langlands
Cuesters 4-10 Murray
Tower 10-4 Calderwood
15th January 2019
Calderwood 2-12 Club 72
Assassins 7-7 Greenhills
Top Guns 5-9 Entertainers
Jokers 10-4 Tower
Langlands 10-4 Cuesters
Murray 6-8 Hunters
22nd January 2019
Hunters 1-13 Langlands
Club 72 10-4 Jokers
Amigos 11-3 Calderwood
Greenhills 6-8 Top Guns
Cuesters 4-10 Assassins
Tower 8-6 Murray
5th February 2019
Hunters 4-10 Assassins
Club 72 13-1 Murray
Amigos 4-10 Jokers
Greenhills 6-8 Entertainers
Cuesters 5-9 Top Guns
Tower 8-4 Langlands
12th February 2019
Assassins 7-7 Tower
Top Guns 11-3 Hunters
Entertainers 12-2 Cuesters
Jokers 12-2 Calderwood
Langlands 4-10 Club 72
Murray 11-3 Amigos
19th February 2019
Hunters 4-10 Entertainers
Calderwood 8-6 Murray
Club 72 11-3 Assassins
Amigos 6-8 Langlands
Cuesters 5-9 Greenhills
Tower 4-10 Top Guns
26th February 2019
Assassins 10-4 Amigos
Top Guns 7-7 Club 72
Entertainers 8-6 Tower
Greenhills 9-5 Hunters
Langlands 11-3 Calderwood
Murray 12-2 Jokers
12th March 2019
Calderwood 8-6 Assassins
Amigos 6-8 Top Guns
Jokers 9-5 Langlands
Tower 7-7 Greenhills
19th March 2019
Hunters 6-8 Cuesters
Club 72 6-8 Entertainers
26th March 2019
Assassins 8-6 Jokers
Top Guns 11-3 Calderwood
Entertainers 10-4 Amigos
Greenhills 5-9 Club 72
Langlands 3-11 Murray
Cuesters 5-9 Tower
2nd April 2019
Calderwood 5-9 Entertainers
Club 72 13-1 Cuesters
Amigos 7-7 Greenhills
Murray 6-8 Assassins
Tower 8-6 Hunters
9th April 2019
Hunters 3-11 Club 72
Assassins 5-9 Langlands
Top Guns 10-4 Murray
Entertainers 8-6 Jokers
Greenhills 13-1 Calderwood
Cuesters 7-7 Amigos
23rd April 2019
Calderwood 4-10 Cuesters
Club 72 10-4 Tower
Amigos 4-10 Hunters
Jokers 9-5 Greenhills
Langlands 4-10 Top Guns
30th April 2019
Hunters 8-6 Calderwood
Top Guns 7-7 Assassins
Entertainers 8-6 Langlands
Greenhills 8-6 Murray
Cuesters 5-9 Jokers
Tower 7-7 Amigos
7th May 2019
Calderwood 6-8 Tower
Assassins 6-8 Entertainers
Amigos 4-10 Club 72
Jokers P-P Hunters
Langlands 8-6 Greenhills
Murray 7-7 Cuesters
14th May 2019
Jokers 5-9 Top Guns
21st May 2019
Murray 1-13 Entertainers
28th May 2019
Hunters 4-10 Murray
Club 72 10-4 Calderwood
Entertainers 8-6 Top Guns
Greenhills 7-7 Assassins
Cuesters 7-7 Langlands
Tower 2-12 Jokers
4th June 2019
Calderwood 8-6 Amigos
Assassins 9-5 Cuesters
Top Guns 11-3 Greenhills
Jokers 6-8 Club 72
Langlands 9-5 Hunters
Murray 8-6 Tower


5th September 2017
Hunters 5-9 Club 72
Gardenhall 5-9 Murray
Amigos 4-10 Jokers
Greenhills 3-11 Entertainers
Langlands 10-4 Tower
Cuesters 6-8 Top Guns
12th September 2017
Club 72 10-4 Langlands
Top Guns 7-7 Hunters
Entertainers 5-9 Jokers
Greenhills 10-4 Cuesters
Murray 8-6 Amigos
Tower 4-10 Jager Masters
19th September 2017
Hunters 7-7 Greenhills
Jager Masters 5-9 Club 72
Gardenhall 6-8 Tower
Jokers 9-5 Murray
Langlands 7-7 Top Guns
Cuesters 5-9 Entertainers
26th September 2017
Club 72 12-2 Gardenhall
Top Guns 6-8 Jager Masters
Entertainers 12-2 Murray
Greenhills 9-5 Langlands
Cuesters 10-4 Hunters
Tower 8-4 Amigos
3rd October 2017
Amigos 2-12 Club 72
Gardenhall 6-8 Top Guns
Hunters 6-8 Entertainers
Jager Masters 5-9 Greenhills
Jokers 6-8 Tower
Langlands 6-8 Cuesters
10th October 2017
Tower 5-9 Murray
Club 72 6-8 Jokers
Hunters 4-8 Langlands
Cuesters 1-13 Jager Masters
Greenhills 11-3 Gardenhall
Top Guns 6-8 Amigos
17th October 2017
Amigos 5-9 Greenhills
Gardenhall 5-9 Cuesters
Jokers 7-7 Top Guns
Murray 6-8 Club 72
Jager Masters 8-6 Hunters
Langlands 3-11 Entertainers
7th November 2017
Langlands 4-10 Jager Masters
Cuesters 6-8 Amigos
Top Guns 10-4 Murray
Greenhills 8-6 Jokers
Hunters 8-6 Gardenhall
Entertainers 9-5 Tower
28th November 2017
Tower 4-10 Club 72
Jager Masters 6-8 Entertainers
Gardenhall 4-10 Langlands
Amigos 8-6 Hunters
Murray 5-9 Greenhills
Jokers 10-4 Cuesters
5th December 2017
Entertainers P-P Club 72
Jager Masters 13-1 Gardenhall
Langlands 7-7 Amigos
Hunters 4-10 Jokers
Cuesters 6-8 Murray
Top Guns 10-4 Tower
9th January 2018
Gardenhall 1-13 Entertainers
Amigos 4-10 Jagermasters
Murray 10-4 Hunters
Tower 6-8 Greenhills
Club 72 5-9 Top Guns
Jokers 4-10 Langlands
16th January 2018
Entertainers 6-8 Top Guns
Langlands 7-7 Murray
Greenhills 5-9 Club 72
Cuesters 5-9 Tower
Jagermasters 14-0 Jokers
Gardenhall P-P Amigos
23rd January 2018
Tower 8-4 Hunters
Club 72 8-6 Cuesters
Top Guns 7-7 Greenhills
Murray 5-9 Jagermasters
Amigos 6-8 Entertainers
Jokers 8-6 Gardenhall
6th February 2018
Tower 5-6 Langlands
Jokers 7-7 Amigos
Club 72 11-3 Hunters
Murray 8-6 Gardenhall
Entertainers 9-5 Greenhills
Top Guns 10-4 Cuesters
13th February 2018
Jokers 3-11 Entertainers
Amigos 4-10 Murray
Langlands 5-9 Club 72
Hunters 0-14 Top Guns
Cuesters 4-10 Greenhills
Jagermasters 7-7 Tower
20th February 2018
Entertainers 8-6 Cuesters
Top Guns 12-2 Langlands
Club 72 9-5 Jagermasters
Tower 8-3 Gardenhall
Murray 5-9 Jokers
Greenhills 12-2 Hunters
27th February 2018
Hunters 7-7 Cuesters
Langlands 7-7 Greenhills
Jagermasters 6-8 Top Guns
Gardenhall 4-10 Club 72
Amigos 10-4 Tower
Murray 4-10 Entertainers
13th March 2018
Club 72 10-4 Amigos
Cuesters 2-12 Langlands
Entertainers 13-1 Hunters
Greenhills 7-7 Jagermasters
Top Guns 9-5 Gardenhall
Tower 4-10 Jokers
20th March 2018
Amigos 4-10 Top Guns
Gardenhall 6-8 Greenhills
Jagermasters 10-4 Cuesters
Jokers 5-9 Club 72
Langlands 7-7 Hunters
Murray 9-5 Tower
3rd April 2018
Club 72 7-7 Murray
Cuesters 9-4 Gardenhall
Entertainers 8-6 Langlands
Greenhills 9-5 Amigos
Hunters 6-8 Jagermasters
Top Guns 9-5 Jokers
10th April 2018
Amigos 3-11 Cuesters
Gardenhall P-P Hunters
Jagermasters 7-7 Langlands
Jokers 8-6 Greenhills
Murray 6-8 Top Guns
Tower 5-9 Entertainers
24th April 2018
Club 72 13-1 Tower
Cuesters 5-9 Jokers
Entertainers 9-5 Jagermasters
Greenhills 9-5 Murray
Hunters 5-9 Amigos
Langlands 11-3 Gardenhall
8th May 2018
Amigos 7-7 Langlands
Club 72 5-9 Entertainers
Gardenhall 2-12 Jagermasters
Jokers 8-6 Hunters
Murray 7-7 Cuesters
Tower 6-8 Top Guns
15th May 2018
Entertainers 13-1 Gardenhall
Greenhills 10-4 Tower
Hunters 6-8 Murray
Jagermasters 7-7 Amigos
Langlands 5-9 Jokers
Top Guns 5-7 Club 72
29th May 2018
Amigos 11-3 Gardenhall
Club 72 9-5 Greenhills
Jokers 11-3 Jagermasters
Murray 5-9 Langlands
Top Guns 7-7 Entertainers
Tower 8-6 Cuesters
5th June 2018
Cuesters 4-10 Club 72
Entertainers 9-3 Amigos
Gardenhall 5-9 Jokers
Greenhills 11-3 Top Guns
Hunters 5-9 Tower
Jagermasters 9-5 Murray


6th September 2016
Entertainers 10-4 Greenhills
Jokers 8-6 Tower
Hunters 9-5 Murray
Top Guns 7-7 Langlands
Club 72 13-1 Gardenhall
Cuesters 6-8 Hustlers
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Amigos
13th September 2016
Tower 3-11 Entertainers
Murray 7-7 Jokers
Langlands 6-8 Hunters
Gardenhall 6-8 Top Guns
Hustlers 11-3 Club 72
Amigos 10-4 Cuesters
Greenhills 10-4 Whitehills Aces
20th September 2016
Entertainers 10-4 Murray
Jokers 8-6 Langlands
Hunters 12-2 Gardenhall
Top Guns 9-5 Hustlers
Club 72 7-7 Amigos
Cuesters 10-4 Whitehills Aces
Tower 2-12 Greenhills
27th September 2016
Langlands 4-10 Entertainers
Gardenhall 1-13 Jokers
Hustlers 11-3 Hunters
Amigos 6-8 Top Guns
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Club 72
Greenhills 9-5 Cuesters
Murray 8-6 Tower
4th October 2016
Entertainers 11-3 Gardenhall
Jokers 6-8 Hustlers
Hunters 7-7 Amigos
Top Guns 11-3 Whitehills Aces
Club 72 11-3 Cuesters
Tower 8-4 Langlands
Murray 6-8 Greenhills
11th October 2016
Hustlers 4-10 Entertainers
Amigos 8-6 Jokers
Whitehills Aces 2-12 Hunters
Cuesters 4-10 Top Guns
Greenhills 6-8 Club 72
Gardenhall 6-8 Tower
Langlands 5-9 Murray
18th October 2016
Entertainers 9-5 Amigos
Jokers 10-4 Whitehills Aces
Hunters 10-4 Cuesters
Top Guns 7-7 Club 72
Tower 3-11 Hustlers
Murray 11-3 Gardenhall
Langlands 9-5 Greenhills
8th November 2016
Whitehills Aces 5-9 Entertainers
Cuesters 4-10 Jokers
Club 72 10-4 Hunters
Greenhills 7-7 Top Guns
Amigos 5-9 Tower
Hustlers 8-6 Murray
Gardenhall 8-6 Langlands
29th November 2016
Entertainers 8-6 Cuesters
Jokers 8-6 Club 72
Hunters 5-9 Top Guns
Tower 9-5 Whitehills Aces
Murray 8-6 Amigos
Langlands 6-8 Hustlers
Gardenhall 3-11 Greenhills
6th December 2016
Club 72 6-8 Entertainers
Top Guns 8-6 Jokers
Greenhills 9-5 Hunters
Cuesters 7-7 Tower
Whitehills Aces 5-9 Murray
Amigos 6-8 Langlands
Hustlers 13-1 Gardenhall
3rd January 2017
Entertainers 7-7 Top Guns
Jokers 7-7 Hunters
Tower 4-10 Club 72
Murray 12-2 Cuesters
Langlands 7-7 Whitehills Aces
Gardenhall 3-11 Amigos
Hustlers 8-6 Greenhills
10th January 2017
Hunters 5-9 Entertainers
Greenhills 5-9 Jokers
Top Guns 8-6 Tower
Club 72 10-4 Murray
Cuesters 3-8 Langlands
Whitehills Aces 8-6 Gardenhall
Amigos 4-10 Hustlers
17th January 2017
Entertainers 9-5 Jokers
Tower 5-9 Hunters
Murray 10-4 Top Guns
Langlands 8-6 Club 72
Gardenhall 5-9 Cuesters
Hustlers 12-2 Whitehills Aces
Amigos 6-8 Greenhills
31st January 2017
Greenhills 4-10 Entertainers
Tower 5-9 Jokers
Murray 11-3 Hunters
Langlands 1-13 Top Guns
Gardenhall 4-10 Club 72
Hustlers 9-5 Cuesters
Amigos 9-5 Whitehills Aces
7th February 2017
Entertainers 12-2 Tower
Jokers 8-6 Murray
Hunters 11-3 Langlands
Top Guns 11-3 Gardenhall
Club 72 4-10 Hustlers
Cuesters 5-9 Amigos
Whitehills Aces 4-10 Greenhills
14th February 2017
Murray 8-6 Entertainers
Langlands 6-8 Jokers
Gardenhall 4-10 Hunters
Hustlers 6-8 Top Guns
Amigos 4-10 Club 72
Whitehills Aces 8-6 Cuesters
Greenhills 8-6 Tower
21st February 2017
Entertainers 11-3 Langlands
Jokers 7-7 Gardenhall
Hunters 3-11 Hustlers
Top Guns 10-4 Amigos
Club 72 10-4 Whitehills Aces
Cuesters 0-14 Greenhills
Tower 2-12 Murray
7th March 2017
Gardenhall 2-12 Entertainers
Hustlers 12-2 Jokers
Amigos 6-8 Hunters
Whitehills Aces 3-11 Top Guns
Cuesters 4-10 Club 72
Langlands 8-6 Tower
Greenhills 7-7 Murray
14th March 2017
Entertainers 8-6 Hustlers
Jokers 7-7 Amigos
Hunters 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Top Guns 8-6 Cuesters
Club 72 10-4 Greenhills
Tower 7-7 Gardenhall
Murray 9-5 Langlands
28th March 2017
Amigos 3-11 Entertainers
Whitehills Aces 4-10 Jokers
Cuesters 5-9 Hunters
Club 72 7-7 Top Guns
Hustlers 10-4 Tower
Gardenhall 2-12 Murray
Greenhills 5-9 Langlands
4th April 2017
Entertainers 14-0 Whitehills Aces
Jokers 9-5 Cuesters
Hunters 4-10 Club 72
Top Guns 7-7 Greenhills
Tower 4-10 Amigos
Murray 3-11 Hustlers
Langlands 9-5 Gardenhall
18th April 2017
Cuesters 2-12 Entertainers
Club 72 6-8 Jokers
Top Guns 9-5 Hunters
Whitehills Aces 9-5 Tower
Amigos 7-7 Murray
Hustlers 9-5 Langlands
Greenhills 8-6 Gardenhall
2nd May 2017
Entertainers 8-6 Club 72
Jokers 7-7 Top Guns
Hunters 5-9 Greenhills
Tower 6-8 Cuesters
Murray 7-7 Whitehills Aces
Langlands 11-3 Amigos
Gardenhall 4-10 Hustlers
16th May 2017
Top Guns 5-9 Entertainers
Hunters 9-5 Jokers
Club 72 10-4 Tower
Cuesters 5-9 Murray
Whitehills Aces 5-9 Langlands
Amigos 10-4 Gardenhall
Greenhills 7-7 Hustlers
30th May 2017
Entertainers 10-4 Hunters
Jokers 11-3 Greenhills
Tower 6-8 Top Guns
Murray 4-10 Club 72
Langlands 7-7 Cuesters
Gardenhall 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Hustlers 10-4 Amigos
6th June 2017
Jokers 3-11 Entertainers
Hunters 11-3 Tower
Top Guns 11-3 Murray
Club 72 8-6 Langlands
Cuesters 8-6 Gardenhall
Whitehills Aces 14-0 Hustlers
Greenhills 10-4 Amigos


8th September 2015
Gardenhall 1-13 Club 72
Langlands 7-7 Cuesters
Jokers 7-7 Amigos
Greenhills Sharks 4-10 Greenhills
Hustlers 7-7 Top Guns
Tower 9-5 Hunters
Whitehills Aces 1-13 Entertainers
Murray Free Week
15th September 2015
Entertainers 9-5 Tower
Greenhills 3-11 Murray
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Amigos
Hunters 10-4 Cuesters
Langlands 3-11 Hustlers
Free Week Jokers
Greenhills Sharks 9-5 Gardenhall
Top Guns 9-5 Club 72

22nd September 2015
Club 72 8-6 Langlands
Cuesters 4-10 Entertainers
Free Week Greenhills
Top Guns 9-5 Greenhills Sharks
Hustlers 9-5 Hunters
Murray 13-1 Gardenhall
Amigos 8-6 Tower
Jokers 8-6 Whitehills Aces
29th September 2015
Entertainers 7-7 Hustlers
Tower 5-9 Jokers
Amigos 8-6 Cuesters
Hunters 0-14 Club 72
Langlands 11-3 Greenhills Sharks
Free Week Whitehills Aces
Greenhills 10-4 Gardenhall
Top Guns 10-4 Murray
6th October 2015
Club 72 4-10 Entertainers
Cuesters 5-9 Jokers
Greenhills 6-8 Top Guns
Greenhills Sharks 3-11 Hunters
Hustlers 11-3 Amigos
Murray 9-5 Langlands
Gardenhall Free Week
Tower 11-3 Whitehills Aces
13th October 2015
Entertainers 9-5 Greenhills Sharks
Jokers 5-9 Hustlers
Amigos 5-9 Club 72
Hunters 6-8 Murray
Langlands 6-8 Greenhills
Free Week Tower
Top Guns 10-4 Gardenhall
Whitehills Aces 6-8 Cuesters
20th October 2015
Club 72 8-6 Jokers
Cuesters 8-6 Tower
Greehills 9-5 Hunters
Greenhills Sharks 4-10 Amigos
Free Week Top Guns
Hustlers 10-4 Whitehills Aces
Murray 7-7 Entertainers
Gardenhall 5-9 Langlands
3rd November 2015
Entertainers 10-4 Greenhills
Jokers 9-5 Greenhills Sharks
Amigos 7-7 Murray
Top Guns 8-6 Langlands
Free Week Cuesters
Hunters 8-6 Gardenhall
Tower 6-8 Hustlers
Club 72 11-3 Whitehills Aces
10th November 2015
Club 72 10-4 Tower
Greenhills 9-5 Amigos
Greenhills Sharks 4-10 Whitehills Aces
Cuesters 2-12 Hustlers
Langlands Free Week
Murray 9-5 Jokers
Gardenhall 2-12 Entertainers
Hunters 7-7 Top Guns
1st December 2015
Club 72 9-5 Cuesters
Top Guns 4-10 Entertainers
Jokers 6-8 Greenhills
Amigos 9-5 Gardenhall
Free Week Hustlers
Hunters 8-6 Langlands
Tower 9-5 Greenhills Sharks
Whitehills Aces 4-10 Murray
8th December 2015
Hustlers 6-8 Club 72
Whitehills Aces 5-9 Greenhills
Greenhills Sharks 6-8 Cuesters
Hunters Free Week
Langlands 7-7 Entertainers
Murray 9-5 Tower
Jokers 8-6 Gardenhall
Top Guns 11-3 Amigos
15th December 2015
Cuesters 4-10 Murray
Entertainers 9-5 Hunters
Jokers 4-10 Top Guns
Amigos 6-8 Langlands
Hustlers 10-4 Greenhills Sharks
Club 72 Free Week
Tower 6-8 Greenhills
Gardenhall 4-10 Whitehills Aces
22nd December 2015
Entertainers Free Week
Greenhills 11-3 Cuesters
Greenhills Sharks 4-10 Club 72
Hunters 4-9 Amigos
Langlands 5-9 Jokers
Murray 2-12 Hustlers
Gardenhall 5-9 Tower
Whitehills Aces 3-11 Top Guns
5th January 2016
Club 72 7-7 Murray
Cuesters 9-5 Gardenhall
Jokers 8-6 Hunters
Amigos 5-9 Entertainers
Hustlers 7-7 Greenhills
Free Week Greenhills Sharks
Top Guns 9-5 Tower
Whitehills Aces 8-6 Langlands
12th January 2016
Entertainers 13-1 Jokers
Greenhills 5-9 Club 72
Amigos Free Week
Hunters 11-3 Whitehills Aces
Langlands 6-8 Tower
Murray 12-2 Greenhills Sharks
Gardenhall 3-11 Hustlers
Cuesters 4-10 Top Guns
19th January 2016
Entertainers 10-4 Whitehills Aces
Greenhills 10-4 Greenhills Sharks
Amigos 5-9 Jokers
Hunters 8-6 Tower
Cuesters 7-7 Langlands
Free Week Murray
Club 72 13-1 Gardenhall
Top Guns 3-11 Hustlers
2nd February 2016
Club 72 9-5 Top Guns
Gardenhall 7-7 Greenhills Sharks
Jokers Free Week
Hustlers 8-6 Langlands
Cuesters 6-8 Hunters
Amigos 11-3 Whitehills Aces
Murray 8-6 Greenhills
Tower 4-10 Entertainers
9th February 2016
Whitehills Aces 5-9 Jokers
Tower 12-2 Amigos
Gardenhall 4-10 Murray
Hunters 7-7 Hustlers
Greenhills Sharks 4-10 Top Guns
Greenhills Free Week
Entertainers 12-2 Cuesters
Langlands 4-10 Club 72
16th February 2016
Murray 7-7 Top Guns
Gardenhall 3-11 Greenhills
Whitehills Aces Free Week
Greenhills Sharks 3-11 Langlands
Club 72 9-5 Hunters
Cuesters 7-7 Amigos
Jokers 2-12 Tower
Hustlers 5-9 Entertainers
1st March 2016
Whitehills Aces 6-8 Tower
Free Week Gardenhall
Langlands 4-10 Murray
Amigos 3-11 Hustlers
Hunters 5-9 Greenhills Sharks
Top Guns 6-8 Greenhills
Jokers 8-6 Cuesters
Entertainers 12-2 Club 72
8th March 2016
Cuesters 11-3 Whitehills Aces
Gardenhall 3-11 Top Guns
Tower Free Week
Greenhills 8-6 Langlands
Murray 7-7 Hunters
Club 72 8-6 Amigos
Hustlers 10-4 Jokers
Greenhills Sharks 4-10 Entertainers
15th March 2016
Langlands 12-2 Gardenhall
Entertainers 8-6 Murray
Whitehills Aces 4-10 Hustlers
Top Guns Free Week
Amigos 8-6 Greenhills Sharks
Hunters 8-6 Greenhills
Tower 7-7 Cuesters
Jokers 9-5 Club 72
22nd March 2016
Whitehills Aces 3-11 Club 72
Hustlers 12-2 Tower
Gardenhall 7-7 Hunters
Cuesters Free Week
Langlands 3-11 Top Guns
Murray 8-6 Amigos
Greenhills Sharks 4-10 Jokers
Greenhills 4-10 Entertainers
5th April 2016
Top Guns 9-5 Hunters
Entertainers 13-1 Gardenhall
Jokers 5-9 Murray
Free Week Langlands
Hustlers 10-4 Cuesters
Whitehills Aces 5-9 Greenhills Sharks
Amigos 8-6 Greenhills
Tower 4-10 Club 72
12th April 2016
Murray 10-4 Whitehills Aces
Greenhills Sharks 5-9 Tower
Langlands 8-6 Hunters
Hustlers Free Week
Gardenhall 7-7 Amigos
Greenhills 7-7 Jokers
Entertainers 8-6 Top Guns
Cuesters 4-10 Club 72
19th April 2016
Amigos 7-7 Top Guns
Gardenhall 3-11 Jokers
Tower 4-10 Murray
Entertainers 12-2 Langlands
Free Week Hunters
Cuesters 8-6 Greenhills Sharks
Greenhills 11-3 Whitehills Aces
Club 72 4-10 Hustlers
3rd May 2016
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Gardenhall
Greenhills 7-7 Tower
Free Week Club 72
Greenhills Sharks 5-9 Hustlers
Langlands 5-9 Amigos
Top Guns 8-6 Jokers
Hunters 6-8 Entertainers
Murray 9-5 Cuesters
17th May 2016
Top Guns 11-3 Whitehills Aces
Tower 10-4 Gardenhall
Hustlers 6-8 Murray
Jokers 4-10 Langlands
Amigos 6-8 Hunters
Club 72 10-4 Greenhills Sharks
Cuesters 4-10 Greenhills
Free Week Entertainers
31st May 2016
Langlands 6-8 Whitehills Aces
Tower 7-7 Top Guns
Greenhills Sharks Free Week
Greenhills 4-10 Hustlers
Entertainers 8-6 Amigos
Hunters 7-7 Jokers
Gardenhall 7-7 Cuesters
Murray 9-5 Club 72
7th June 2016
Top Guns 8-6 Cuesters
Hustlers 9-5 Gardenhall
Greenhills Sharks 3-11 Murray
Tower 9-5 Langlands
Whitehills Aces 2-12 Hunters
Free Week Amigos
Club 72 9-5 Greenhills
Jokers 4-10 Entertainers


9th September 2014
Club 72 11-3 Peel Park
Cuesters 9-5 Langlands Legion
Greenhills Diamonds – Free Week
Greenhills Sharks 7-7 Greenhills
Hustlers 5-9 Top Guns
Murray 11-3 Murray Hotshots
Tower 8-6 Hunters
Whitehills Aces 4-10 Entertainers
16th September 2014
Cuesters 7-7 Tower
Greenhills 3-11 Murray
Free Week – Whitehills Aces
Hunters 5-9 Entertainers
Langlands Legion 5-9 Hustlers
Murray Hotshots 6-8 Greenhills Diamonds
Peel Park 7-7 Greenhills Sharks
Top Guns 8-6 Club 72
23rd September 2014
Club 72 9-5 Langlands Legion
Entertainers 11-3 Cuesters
Greenhills 9-5 Murray Hotshots
Greenhills Sharks 2-12 Top Guns
Hustlers 10-4 Hunters
Murray 12-2 Peel Park
Tower – Free Week
Whitehills Aces 11-3 Greenhills Diamonds
30th September 2014
Cuesters 3-11 Hustlers
Greenhills Diamonds 8-6 Tower
Free Week – Entertainers
Hunters 6-8 Club 72
Langlands Legion 8-6 Greenhills Sharks
Murray Hotshots 6-8 Whitehills Aces
Peel Park 6-8 Greenhills
Top Guns 4-10 Murray
7th October 2014
Club 72 7-7 Cuesters
Entertainers 11-3 Greenhills Diamonds
Greenhills 6-8 Top Guns
Greenhills Sharks 3-11 Hunters
Hustlers – Free Week
Murray 11-3 Langlands Legion
Peel Park 5-9 Murray Hotshots
Tower 6-8 Whitehills Aces
14th October 2014
Cuesters 7-7 Whitehills Aces
Greenhills Diamonds 9-5 Hustlers
Greenhills Sharks 2-12 Entertainers
Free Week – Club 72
Hunters 5-9 Murray
Langlands Legion 8-6 Greenhills
Murray Hotshots 7-7 Tower
Top Guns 10-4 Peel Park
21st October 2014
Club 72 8-6 Greenhills Diamonds
Entertainers 10-4 Tower
Greenhills 6-8 Hunters
Greenhills Sharks – Free Week
Hustlers 11-3 Whitehills Aces
Murray 11-3 Cuesters
Peel Park 7-7 Langlands Legion
Top Guns 5-8 Murray Hotshots
4th November 2014
Cuesters 5-9 Greenhills
Greenhills Diamonds 10-4 Greenhills Sharks
Free Week – Murray
Langlands Legion 6-8 Top Guns
Murray Hotshots 4-10 Entertainers
Hunters 11-3 Peel Park
Tower 0-14 Hustlers
Whitehills Aces 3-11 Club 72
11th November 2014
Club 72 9-5 Tower
Greenhills – Free Week
Greenhills Sharks 4-10 Whitehills Aces
Hustlers 10-4 Entertainers
Langlands Legion 7-7 Murray Hotshots
Murray 10-4 Greenhills Diamonds
Peel Park 6-8 Cuesters
Top Guns 7-7 Hunters
2nd December 2014
Cuesters 4-10 Top Guns
Entertainers 11-3 Club 72
Greenhills Diamonds 12-2 Greenhills
Free Week – Peel Park
Murray Hotshots 1-13 Hustlers
Hunters 7-7 Langlands Legion
Tower 12-2 Greenhills Sharks
Whitehills Aces 5-9 Murray
9th December 2014
Club 72 7-7 Hustlers
Greenhills 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Greenhills Sharks 5-9 Cuesters
Hunters 5-9 Murray Hotshots
Langlands Legion 6-8 Entertainers
Murray 7-7 Tower
Peel Park 3-11 Greenhills Diamonds
Top Guns – Free Week
16th December 2014
Cuesters 7-7 Hunters
Entertainers 9-5 Murray
Greenhills Diamonds 7-7 Top Guns
Free Week – Langlands Legion
Hustlers 12-2 Greenhills Sharks
Murray Hotshots 2-12 Club 72
Tower 7-7 Greenhills
Whitehills Aces 9-5 Peel Park
23rd December 2014
Cuesters 6-8 Murray Hotshots
Entertainers 9-5 Greenhills
Greenhills Sharks 5-9 Club 72
Hunters – Free Week
Langlands Legion 7-7 Greenhills Diamonds
Murray 6-8 Hustlers
Peel Park 4-10 Tower
Top Guns 9-5 Whitehills Aces
6th January 2015
Club 72 7-7 Murray
Entertainers 12-2 Peel Park
Greenhills Diamonds 10-4 Hunters
Free Week – Cuesters
Hustlers 12-2 Greenhills
Murray Hotshots 9-5 Greenhills Sharks
Tower 7-7 Top Guns
Whitehills Aces 9-5 Langlands Legion
13th January 2015
Cuesters 5-9 Greenhills Diamonds
Greenhills 7-7 Club 72
Free Week – Murray Hotshots
Hunters 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Langlands Legion 8-6 Tower
Murray 13-1 Greenhills Sharks
Peel Park 4-10 Hustlers
Top Guns 7-7 Entertainers
20th January 2015
Entertainers 12-2 Whitehills Aces
Greenhills 9-5 Greenhills Sharks
Free Week – Greenhills Diamonds
Hunters 7-7 Tower
Langlands Legion 5-9 Cuesters
Murray Hotshots 9-5 Murray
Peel Park 4-10 Club 72
Top Guns 2-12 Hustlers
3rd February 2015
Club 72 5-9 Top Guns
Entertainers 9-5 Hunters
Greenhills Diamonds 10-4 Murray Hotshots
Greenhills Sharks 8-6 Peel Park
Hustlers 11-3 Langlands Legion
Murray 9-5 Greenhills
Tower 4-10 Cuesters
Whitehills Aces – Free Week
10th February 2015
Cuesters 3-11 Entertainers
Greenhills Diamonds 10-4 Whitehills Aces
Free Week – Tower Bar
Hunters 6-8 Hustlers
Langlands Legion 2-12 Club 72
Murray Hotshots 7-7 Greenhills
Peel Park 9-5 Murray
Top Guns 8-6 Greenhills Sharks
17th February 2015
Club 72 13-1 Hunters
Entertainers – Free Week
Greenhills 9-5 Peel Park
Greenhills Sharks 9-5 Langlands Legion
Hustlers 12-2 Cuesters
Murray 11-3 Top Guns
Tower 5-9 Greenhills Diamonds
Whitehills Aces 6-8 Murray Hotshots
3rd March 2015
Cuesters 4-10 Club 72
Greenhills Diamonds 7-7 Entertainers
Free Week – Hustlers
Hunters 9-5 Greenhills Sharks
Langlands Legion 5-9 Murray
Murray Hotshots 11-3 Peel Park
Top Guns 10-4 Greenhills
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Tower
10th March 2015
Club 72 – Free Week
Entertainers 12-2 Greenhills Sharks
Greenhills 6-8 Langlands Legion
Hustlers 6-8 Greenhills Diamonds
Murray 7-7 Hunters
Peel Park 4-10 Top Guns
Tower 5-9 Murray Hotshots
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Cuesters
17th March 2015
Cuesters 6-8 Murray
Greenhills Diamonds 6-8 Club 72
Free Week – Greenhills Sharks
Hunters 8-6 Greenhills
Langlands Legion 8-6 Peel Park
Murray Hotshots 4-10 Top Guns
Tower 1-13 Entertainers
Whitehills Aces 3-11 Hustlers
24th March 2015
Club 72 10-4 Whitehills Aces
Entertainers 11-3 Murray Hotshots
Greenhills 3-11 Cuesters
Greenhills Sharks 7-7 Greenhills Diamonds
Hustlers 13-1 Tower
Murray – Free Week
Peel Park 7-7 Hunters
Top Guns 12-2 Langlands Legion
7th April 2015
Cuesters 9-5 Peel Park
Entertainers 7-7 Hustlers
Greenhills Diamonds 6-8 Murray
Free Week – Greenhills
Hunters 4-10 Top Guns
Murray Hotshots 8-6 Langlands Legion
Tower 6-8 Club 72
Whitehills Aces 10-4 Greenhills Sharks
14th April 2015
Club 72 3-11 Entertainers
Greenhills 6-8 Greenhills Diamonds
Greenhills Sharks 4-10 Tower
Hustlers 7-7 Murray Hotshots
Langlands Legion 5-9 Hunters
Murray 11-3 Whitehills Aces
Peel Park – Free Week
Top Guns 10-4 Cuesters
21st April 2015
Cuesters 8-6 Greenhills Sharks
Entertainers 11-3 Langlands Legion
Greenhills Diamonds 8-6 Peel Park
Free Week – Top Guns
Hustlers 5-9 Club 72
Murray Hotshots 6-8 Hunters
Tower 8-6 Murray
Whitehills Aces 4-10 Greenhills
5th May 2015
Club 72 11-3 Murray Hotshots
Greenhills 10-4 Tower
Greenhills Sharks 1-13 Hustlers
Hunters 6-8 Cuesters
Langlands Legion – Free Week
Murray 2-12 Entertainers
Peel Park 3-11 Whitehills Aces
Top Guns 5-9 Greenhills Diamonds
19th May 2015
Club 72 13-1 Greenhills Sharks
Greenhills 4-10 Entertainers
Greenhills Diamonds 9-5 Langlands Legion
Free Week – Hunters
Hustlers 11-3 Murray
Murray Hotshots 8-6 Cuesters
Tower 9-5 Peel Park
Whitehills Aces 4-10 Top Guns
2nd June 2015
Cuesters – Free Week
Greenhills 11-3 Hustlers
Greenhills Sharks 6-8 Murray Hotshots
Hunters 7-7 Greenhills Diamonds
Langlands Legion 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Murray 5-9 Club 72
Peel Park 3-11 Entertainers
Top Guns 7-7 Tower
9th June 2015
Club 72 11-3 Greenhills
Entertainers 7-7 Top Guns
Greenhills Diamonds 11-3 Cuesters
Greenhills Sharks 4-10 Murray
Hustlers 12-2 Peel Park
Murray Hotshots – Free Week
Tower 8-6 Langlands Legion
Whitehills Aces 6-8 Hunters


10th September 2013
Entertainers 10-4 Greenhills
Greenhills Diamonds 7-7 Club 72
Hustlers 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Langlands 11-3 The Baptists
Murray 10-4 Top Guns
Ospreys 9-5 Cuesters
Tower 7-7 Hunters
17th September 2013
Club 72 6-8 Murray
Greenhills 8-6 Langlands
Greenhills Shooters 8-6 Tower
Hunters 6-8 Greenhills Diamonds
The Baptists 1-13 Hustlers
Top Guns 5-9 Entertainers
Whitehills Aces 8-6 Ospreys
24th September 2013
Club 72 9-5 Top Guns
Greenhills Diamonds 12-2 Greenhills Shooters
Hustlers 6-8 Greenhills
Langlands 3-11 Entertainers
Murray 9-5 Hunters
Ospreys 11-3 The Baptists
Tower 7-7 Cuesters
1st October 2013
Cuesters 4-10 Greenhills Diamonds
Entertainers 6-8 Hustlers
Greenhills 12-2 Ospreys
Greenhills Shooters 1-13 Murray
Hunters 7-7 Club 72
Top Guns 8-6 Langlands
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Tower
8th October 2013
Club 72 11-3 Greenhills Shooters
Greenhills Diamonds 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Hunters 7-7 Top Guns
Hustlers 12-2 Langlands
Murray 10-4 Cuesters
Ospreys 5-9 Entertainers
Tower 11-3 The Baptists
15th October 2013
Cuesters 3-11 Club 72
Greenhills 6-8 Tower
Greenhills Shooters 5-9 Hunters
Langlands 6-8 Ospreys
The Baptists 2-12 Greenhills Diamonds
Top Guns 7-7 Hustlers
Whitehills Aces 6-8 Murray
22nd October 2013
Club 72 10-4 Whitehills Aces
Greenhills Diamonds 5-9 Greenhills
Greenhills Shooters 3-11 Top Guns
Hunters 4-10 Cuesters
Murray 11-3 The Baptists
Ospreys 6-8 Hustlers
Tower 6-8 Entertainers
5th November 2013
Cuesters 10-4 Greenhills Shooters
Entertainers 9-5 Greenhills Diamonds
Greenhills 5-9 Murray
Langlands 8-6 Tower
The Baptists 4-10 Club 72
Top Guns 7-7 Ospreys
Whitehills Aces 5-9 Hunters
12th November 2013
Club 72 9-5 Greenhills
Cuesters 6-8 Top Guns
Greenhills Diamonds 8-6 Langlands
Greenhills Shooters 3-11 Whitehills Aces
Hunters 10-4 The Baptists
Murray 7-7 Entertainers
Tower 4-10 Hustlers
3rd December 2013
Entertainers 8-6 Club 72
Greenhills 6-8 Hunters
Hustlers 8-6 Greenhills Diamonds
Langlands 5-9 Murray
Ospreys 5-9 Tower
The Baptists 5-9 Greenhills Shooters
Whitehills Aces 6-8 Cuesters
10th December 2013
Club 72 10-4 Langlands
Cuesters 13-1 The Baptists
Greenhills Diamonds 10-4 Ospreys
Greenhills Shooters 3-11 Greenhills
Hunters 2-12 Entertainers
Murray 6-8 Hustlers
Whitehills Aces 4-10 Top Guns
17th December 2013
Entertainers 12-2 Greenhills Shooters
Greenhills 8-6 Cuesters
Hustlers 9-5 Club 72
Langlands 5-9 Hunters
Ospreys 5-9 Murray
The Baptists 3-11 Whitehills Aces
Top Guns 7-7 Tower
7th January 2014
Club 72 9-5 Ospreys
Cuesters 3-11 Entertainers
Greenhills Diamonds 10-4 Tower
Greenhills Shooters 4-10 Langlands
Hunters 2-12 Hustlers
The Baptists 4-10 Top Guns
Whitehills Aces 9-5 Greenhills
14th January 2014
Entertainers 9-5 Whitehills Aces
Greenhills 12-2 The Baptists
Hustlers 12-2 Greenhills Shooters
Langlands 7-7 Cuesters
Ospreys 9-5 Hunters
Top Guns 9-5 Greenhills Diamonds
Tower 3-11 Murray
21st January 2014
Club 72 11-3 Tower
Cuesters 1-13 Hustlers
Greenhills 10-4 Top Guns
Greenhills Shooters 5-9 Ospreys
Murray 7-7 Greenhills Diamonds
The Baptists 2-12 Entertainers
Whitehills Aces 4-10 Langlands
4th February 2014
Club 72 5-9 Greenhills Diamonds
Cuesters 6-8 Ospreys
Greenhills 3-11 Entertainers
Hunters 7-7 Tower
The Baptists 5-9 Langlands
Top Guns 5-9 Murray
Whitehills Aces 4-10 Hustlers
11th February 2014
Entertainers 8-6 Top Guns
Greenhills Diamonds 7-7 Hunters
Hustlers 13-1 The Baptists
Langlands 4-10 Greenhills
Murray 9-5 Club 72
Ospreys 2-12 Whitehills Aces
Tower 12-2 Greenhills Shooters
18th February 2014
Cuesters 9-5 Tower
Entertainers 12-2 Langlands
Greenhills 5-9 Hustlers
Greenhills Shooters 3-11 Greenhills Diamonds
Hunters 5-9 Murray
The Baptists 5-9 Ospreys
Top Guns 6-8 Club 72
4th March 2014
Club 72 9-5 Hunters
Greenhills Diamonds 13-1 Cuesters
Hustlers 5-9 Entertainers
Langlands 9-5 Top Guns
Murray 10-4 Greenhills Shooters
Ospreys 7-7 Greenhills
Tower 8-6 Whitehills Aces
11th March 2014
Cuesters 5-9 Murray
Entertainers 11-3 Ospreys
Greenhills Shooters 5-9 Club 72
Langlands 2-12 Hustlers
The Baptists 4-10 Tower
Top Guns 6-8 Hunters
Whitehills Aces 9-5 Greenhills Diamonds
18th March 2014
Club 72 7-7 Cuesters
Greenhills Diamonds 12-2 The Baptists
Hunters 9-5 Greenhills Shooters
Hustlers 7-7 Top Guns
Murray 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Ospreys 8-6 Langlands
Tower 5-9 Greenhills
1st April 2014
Cuesters 4-10 Hunters
Entertainers 8-6 Tower
Greenhills 7-7 Greenhills Diamonds
Hustlers 12-2 Ospreys
The Baptists 2-12 Murray
Top Guns 12-2 Greenhills Shooters
Whitehills Aces 5-9 Club 72
8th April 2014
Club 72 12-2 The Baptists
Greenhills Diamonds 6-8 Entertainers
Greenhills Shooters 5-9 Cuesters
Hunters 7-7 Whitehills Aces
Murray 7-7 Greenhills
Ospreys 4-10 Top Guns
Tower 4-10 Langlands
15th April 2014
Entertainers 7-7 Murray
Greenhills 5-9 Club 72
Hustlers 11-3 Tower
Langlands 6-8 Greenhills Diamonds
The Baptists 4-10 Hunters
Top Guns 7-7 Cuesters
Whitehills Aces 11-3 Greenhills Shooters
22nd April 2014
Club 72 4-10 Entertainers
Cuesters 4-10 Whitehills Aces
Greenhills Diamonds 4-10 Hustlers
Greenhills Shooters 6-8 The Baptists
Hunters 5-9 Greenhills
Murray 11-3 Langlands
Tower 8-6 Ospreys
6th May 2014
Entertainers 6-8 Hunters
Greenhills 8-6 Greenhills Shooters
Hustlers 8-6 Murray
Langlands 3-11 Club 72
Ospreys 4-10 Greenhills Diamonds
The Baptists 6-8 Cuesters
Top Guns 10-4 Whitehills Aces
20th May 2014
Club 72 4-10 Hustlers
Cuesters 9-5 Greenhills
Greenhills Shooters 4-10 Entertainers
Hunters 8-6 Langlands
Murray 10-4 Ospreys
Tower 9-5 Top Guns
Whitehills Aces 12-2 The Baptists
3rd June 2014
Entertainers 11-3 Cuesters
Greenhills 7-7 Whitehills Aces
Hustlers 8-6 Hunters
Langlands 7-7 Greenhills Shooters
Ospreys 2-12 Club 72
Top Guns 11-3 The Baptists
Tower 8-6 Greenhills Diamonds
10th June 2014
Cuesters 5-9 Langlands
Greenhills Diamonds 7-7 Top Guns
Greenhills Shooters 4-10 Hustlers
Hunters 8-6 Ospreys
Murray 9-5 Tower
The Baptists 1-13 Greenhills
Whitehills Aces 3-11 Entertainers
17th June 2014
Entertainers 12-2 The Baptists
Greenhills Diamonds 4-10 Murray
Hustlers 9-5 Cuesters
Langlands 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Ospreys 9-5 Greenhills Shooters
Top Guns 9-5 Greenhills
Tower 1-13 Club 72


4th September 2012
Club 72 7-7 Entertainers
Cuesters 4-10 Greenhills Emeralds
Eagles 5-9 Langlands
Greenhills 9-5 Whitehills Aces
Hunters 4-10 Top Guns
Hustlers 9-5 EKCO
Murray 8-6 Murray Muppets
Tower 10-4 Ospreys
11th September 2012
EKCO 6-8 Club 72
Entertainers 10-4 Tower
Greenhills Emeralds 9-5 Eagles
Langlands 4-10 Murray
Murray Muppets 6-8 Greenhills
Ospreys 6-8 Cuesters
Top Guns 2-12 Hustlers
Whitehills Aces 9-5 Hunters
18th September 2012
Club 72 8-6 Top Guns
Eagles 5-9 Ospreys
EKCO 8-6 Entertainers
Greenhills 11-3 Langlands
Hunters 5-9 Murray Muppets
Hustlers 10-4 Whitehills Aces
Murray 6-8 Greenhills Emeralds
Tower 9-5 Cuesters
25th September 2012
Cuesters 4-10 Entertainers
Greenhills Emeralds 7-7 Greenhills
Langlands 7-7 Hunters
Murray Muppets 6-8 Hustlers
Ospreys 7-7 Murray
Top Guns 10-4 EKCO
Tower 10-4 Eagles
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Club 72
2nd October 2012
Club 72 9-5 Murray Muppets
Eagles 8-6 Cuesters
EKCO 7-7 Whitehills Aces
Greenhills 7-7 Ospreys
Hunters 4-10 Greenhills Emeralds
Hustlers 11-3 Langlands
Murray 7-7 Tower
Top Guns 5-9 Entertainers
9th October 2012
Cuesters 6-8 Murray
Entertainers 11-3 Eagles
Greenhills Emeralds 5-9 Hustlers
Langlands 2-12 Club 72
Murray Muppets 8-6 EKCO
Ospreys 6-8 Hunters
Tower 7-7 Greenhills
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Top Guns
16th October 2012
Club 72 7-7 Greenhills Emeralds
EKCO 6-8 Langlands
Greenhills 8-6 Cuesters
Hunters 4-10 Tower
Hustlers 10-4 Ospreys
Murray 12-2 Eagles
Top Guns 8-6 Murray Muppets
Whitehills Aces 5-9 Entertainers
23rd October 2012
Cuesters 3-11 Hunters
Eagles 3-11 Greenhills
Entertainers 9-5 Murray
Greenhills Emeralds 12-2 EKCO
Langlands 3-11 Top Guns
Murray Muppets 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Ospreys 7-7 Club 72
Tower 7-7 Hustlers
6th November 2012
Club 72 6-8 Tower
EKCO 6-8 Ospreys
Greenhills 10-4 Murray
Hunters 9-5 Eagles
Hustlers 11-3 Cuesters
Murray Muppets 4-10 Entertainers
Top Guns 8-6 Greenhills Emeralds
Whitehills Aces 8-6 Langlands
13th November 2012
Cuesters 8-6 Club 72
Eagles 3-11 Hustlers
Entertainers 8-6 Greenhills
Greenhills Emeralds 7-7 Whitehills Aces
Langlands 7-7 Murray Muppets
Murray 9-5 Hunters
Ospreys 7-7 Top Guns
Tower 9-5 EKCO
4th December 2012
Club 72 9-5 Eagles
EKCO 7-7 Cuesters
Entertainers 13-1 Langlands
Greenhills 9-5 Hunters
Hustlers 8-6 Murray
Murray Muppets 8-6 Greenhills Emeralds
Top Guns 6-8 Tower
Whitehills Aces 8-6 Ospreys
11th December 2012
Cuesters 8-6 Top Guns
Eagles 10-4 EKCO
Greenhills 5-9 Hustlers
Entertainers 7-7 Hunters
Langlands 3-11 Greenhills Emeralds
Murray 8-6 Club 72
Ospreys 5-9 Murray Muppets
Tower 9-5 Whitehills Aces
18th December 2012
Hustlers 9-5 Top Guns
8th January 2013
Club 72 9-5 Greenhills
EKCO 5-9 Murray
Greenhills Emeralds 4-10 Entertainers
Hustlers 11-3 Hunters
Langlands 6-8 Ospreys
Murray Muppets 9-5 Tower
Top Guns 10-4 Eagles
Whitehills Aces 10-4 Cuesters
15th January 2013
Cuesters 3-11 Murray Muppets
Eagles 5-9 Whitehills
Entertainers 8-6 Hustlers
Greenhills 9-5 EKCO
Hunters 3-11 Club 72
Murray 10-4 Top Guns
Ospreys 2-12 Greenhills Emeralds
Tower 7-7 Langlands
22nd January 2013
Club 72 5-9 Hustlers
EKCO 6-8 Hunters
Greenhills Emeralds 8-6 Tower
Langlands 8-6 Cuesters
Murray Muppets 11-3 Eagles
Ospreys 3-11 Entertainers
Top Guns 7-7 Greenhills
Whitehills Aces 6-8 Murray
5th Februray 2013
EKCO 4-10 Hustlers
Entertainers 9-5 Club 72
Greenhills Emeralds 11-3 Cuesters
Langlands 8-6 Eagles
Murray Muppets 4-10 Murray
Ospreys 9-5 Tower
Top Guns 9-5 Hunters
Whitehills Aces 6-8 Greenhills
12th Februray 2013
Club 72 11-3 EKCO
Cuesters 4-10 Ospreys
Eagles 7-7 Greenhills Emeralds
Greenhills 7-7 Murray Muppets
Hunters 3-11 Whitehills Aces
Murray 10-4 Langlands
Tower 9-5 Entertainers
19th Februray 2013
Cuesters 5-9 Tower
Entertainers 14-0 EKCO
Greenhills Emeralds 7-7 Murray
Langlands 5-9 Greenhills
Murray Muppets 6-8 Hunters
Ospreys 6-8 Eagles
Top Guns 4-10 Club 72
Whitehills Aces 8-6 Hustlers
5th March 2013
Club 72 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Entertainers 6-8 Cuesters
Greenhills 11-3 Greenhills Emeralds
Hunters 10-4 Langlands
Hustlers 10-4 Murray Muppets
Murray 6-8 Ospreys
EKCO 7-7 Top Guns
Eagles 5-9 Tower
12th March 2013
Cuesters 12-2 Eagles
Entertainers 9-5 Top Guns
Greenhills Emeralds 5-9 Hunters
Langlands 3-11 Hustlers
Murray Muppets 3-11 Club 72
Ospreys 6-8 Greenhills
Tower 5-9 Murray
Whitehills Aces 8-6 EKCO
19th March 2013
Club 72 11-3 Langlands
Eagles 2-12 Entertainers
EKCO 5-9 Murray Muppets
Greenhills 8-6 Tower
Hunters 9-5 Ospreys
Hustlers 7-7 Greenhills Emeralds
Murray 8-6 Cuesters
Top Guns 5-9 Whitehills Aces
2nd April 2013
Cuesters 5-9 Greenhills
Eagles 5-9 Murray
Entertainers 12-2 Whitehills Aces
Greenhills Emeralds 9-5 Club 72
Langlands 7-7 EKCO
Murray Muppets 8-6 Top Guns
Ospreys 3-11 Hustlers
Tower 8-5 Hunters (TBC)
9th April 2013
Club 72 10-4 Ospreys
EKCO 5-9 Greenhills Emeralds
Greenhills 7-7 Eagles
Hunters 9-5 Cuesters
Hustlers 12-2 Tower
Murray 5-9 Entertainers
Top Guns 8-6 Langlands
Whitehills Aces 9-5 Murray Muppets
16th April 2013
Cuesters 4-10 Hustlers
Eagles 4-10 Hunters
Entertainers 11-3 Murray Muppets
Greenhills Emeralds 9-5 Top Guns
Langlands 5-9 Whitehills Aces
Murray 8-6 Greenhills
Ospreys 8-6 EKCO
Tower 3-11 Club 72
23rd April 2013
Club 72 8-6 Cuesters
EKCO 7-7 Tower
Greenhills 5-9 Entertainers
Hunters 5-9 Murray
Hustlers 10-4 Eagles
Murray Muppets 9-5 Langlands
Top Guns 6-8 Ospreys
Whitehills Aces 4-10 Greenhills Emeralds
7th May 2013
Cuesters 4-10 EKCO
Eagles 3-11 Club 72
Greenhills Emeralds 10-4 Murray Muppets
Hunters 5-9 Greenhills
Langlands 2-12 Entertainers
Murray 7-7 Hustlers
Ospreys 7-7 Whitehills Aces
Tower 6-8 Top Guns
21st May 2013
Club 72 9-5 Murray
EKCO 7-7 Eagles
Hunters 3-11 Entertainers
Greenhills Emeralds 10-4 Langlands
Hustlers 10-4 Greenhills
Murray Muppets 5-9 Ospreys
Top Guns 8-6 Cuesters
Whitehills Aces 8-6 Tower
4th June 2013
Eagles 5-9 Top Guns
Cuesters 5-9 Whitehills Aces
Entertainers 10-4 Greenhills Emeralds
Greenhills 5-9 Club 72
Hunters 7-7 Hustlers
Murray 11-3 EKCO
Ospreys 8-6 Langlands
Tower 6-8 Murray Muppets
11th June 2013
Club 72 11-3 Hunters
EKCO 4-10 Greenhills
Greenhills Emeralds 10-4 Ospreys
Hustlers 5-9 Entertainers
Langlands 6-8 Tower
Murray Muppets 11-3 Cuesters
Top Guns 5-9 Murray
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Eagles
18th June 2013
Cuesters 7-7 Langlands
Eagles 9-5 Murray Muppets
Entertainers 8-6 Ospreys
Greenhills 9-5 Top Guns
Hunters 11-3 EKCO
Hustlers 9-5 Club 72
Murray 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Tower 6-8 Greenhills Emeralds


20th September 2011
Club 2000 5-9 Tower
Top Guns 8-6 Cuesters
Hunters 8-6 Greenhills Emeralds
Murray 9-5 Murray Misfits
Greenhills 10-4 Whitehills Aces
EKCO 9-5 Ospreys
Langlands 2-12 Entertainers
Eagles 7-7 Salmon Leap
27th September 2011
Entertainers 13-1 Eagles
Ospreys 7-7 Langlands
Whitehills Aces 10-4 EKCO
Murray Misfts 3-11 Greenhills
Greenhills Emeralds 10-4 Murray
Cuesters 4-10 Hunters
Tower 4-10 Top Guns
Hustlers 9-5 Club 2000
4th October 2011
Top Guns 7-7 Hustlers
Hunters 7-7 Tower
Murray 8-6 Cuesters
Greenhills 9-5 Greenhills Emeralds
EKCO 4-10 Murray Misfts
Langlands 6-8 Whitehills Aces
Eagles 9-5 Ospreys
Salmon Leap 3-11 Entertainers
11th October 2011
Ospreys 4-10 Salmon Leap
Whitehills Aces 12-2 Eagles
Murray Misfits 7-7 Langlands
Greenhills Emeralds 10-4 EKCO
Cuesters 3-11 Greenhills
Tower 9-5 Murray
Hustlers 8-6 Hunters
Club 2000 3-11 Top Guns
18th October 2011
Hunters 2-12 Club 2000
Murray 7-7 Hustlers
Greenhills 8-6 Tower
EKCO 5-9 Cuesters
Langlands 3-11 Greenhills Emeralds
Eagles 9-5 Murray Misfits
Salmon Leap 10-4 Whitehills Aces
Entertainers 11-3 Ospreys
25th October 2011
Whitehills Aces 2-12 Entertainers
Murray Misfits 8-6 Salmon Leap
Greenhills Emeralds 10-4 Eagles
Cuesters 7-7 Langlands
Tower 8-6 EKCO
Club 2000 7-7 Murray
Top Guns 10-4 Hunters
Hustlers 12-2 Greenhills
1st November 2011
Entertainers 7-7 Murray Misfits
Ospreys 4-10 Whitehills Aces
Murray 9-5 Top Guns
Greenhills 6-8 Club 2000
EKCO 6-8 Hustlers
Langlands 6-8 Tower
Eagles 9-5 Cuesters
Salmon Leap 8-6 Greenhills Emeralds
15th November 2011
Murray Misfits 10-4 Ospreys
Greenhills Emeralds 6-8 Entertainers
Cuesters 4-10 Salmon Leap
Tower 5-9 Eagles
Hustlers 13-1 Langlands
Club 2000 8-6 EKCO
Top Guns 10-4 Greenhills
Hunters 5-9 Murray
22nd November 2011
Entertainers 11-3 Cuesters
Ospreys 5-9 Greenhills Emeralds
Whitehills Aces 8-6 Murray Misfits
Eagles 2-12 Hustlers
Greenhills 5-9 Hunters
EKCO 5-9 Top Guns
Salmon Leap 7-7 Tower
Langlands 5-9 Club 2000
29th November 2011
Greenhills Emeralds 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Cuesters 8-6 Ospreys
Tower 6-8 Entertainers
Hustlers 9-5 Salmon Leap
Club 2000 9-5 Eagles
Top Guns 9-5 Langlands
Hunters 8-6 EKCO
Murray 9-5 Greenhills
6th December 2011
EKCO 4-10 Murray
Langlands 7-7 Hunters
Eagles 5-9 Top Guns
Salmon Leap 8-6 Club 2000
Entertainers 8-6 Hustlers
Ospreys 3-11 Tower
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Cuesters
Murray Misfits 8-6 Greenhills Emeralds
13th December 2011
Cuesters 3-11 Murray Misfits
Tower 7-7 Whitehills Aces
Hustlers 11-3 Ospreys
Club 2000 5-9 Entertainers
Top Guns 4-10 Salmon Leap
Hunters 8-6 Eagles
Murray 10-4 Langlands
Greenhills 12-2 EKCO
20th December 2011
Langlands 5-9 Greenhills
Eagles 5-9 Murray
Salmon Leap 9-5 Hunters
Entertainers 8-6 Top Guns
Ospreys 4-10 Club 2000
Whitehills Aces 9-5 Hustlers
Murray Misfits 7-7 Tower
Greenhills Emeralds 12-2 Cuesters
3rd January 2012
Tower 10-4 Greenhills Emeralds
Hustlers 7-7 Murray Misfits
Club 2000 7-7 Whitehills Aces
Top Guns 9-5 Ospreys
Hunters 6-8 Entertainers
Murray 7-7 Salmon Leap
Greenhills 9-5 Eagles
EKCO 6-8 Langlands
10th January 2012
Eagles 7-7 EKCO
Salmon Leap 11-3 Greenhills
Entertainers 11-3 Murray
Ospreys 3-11 Hunters
Whitehills Aces 5-9 Top Guns
Murray Misfits 8-6 Club 2000
Greenhills Emeralds 5-9 Hustlers
Cuesters 3-11 Tower
17th January 2012
Hustlers 12-2 Cuesters
Club 2000 12-2 Greenhills Emeralds
Top Guns 9-5 Murray Misfits
Hunters 7-7 Whitehills Aces
Murray 9-5 Ospreys
Greenhills 8-6 Entertainers
EKCO 4-10 Salmon Leap
Langlands 7-7 Eagles
24th January 2012
Salmon Leap 10-4 Langlands
Entertainers 10-4 EKCO
Ospreys 3-11 Greenhills
Whitehills Aces 6-8 Murray
Murray Misfits 10-4 Hunters
Greenhills Emeralds 5-9 Top Guns
Cuesters 2-12 Club 2000
Tower 5-9 Hustlers
31st January 2012
Tower 7-7 Club 2000
Cuesters 3-11 Top Guns
Murray Misfits 7-7 Murray
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Greenhills
Ospreys 6-8 EKCO
Salmon Leap 12-2 Eagles
Hunters 7-7 Langlands
Entertainers 7-7 Greenhills Emeralds
7th February 2012
Langlands 11-3 Ospreys
EKCO 6-8 Whitehills Aces
Greenhills 9-5 Murray Misfits
Murray 5-9 Greenhills Emeralds
Top Guns 10-4 Tower
Club 2000 4-10 Hustlers
Cuesters 1-13 Entertainers
Eagles 7-7 Hunters
14th February 2012
Hustlers 9-5 Top Guns
Entertainers 11-3 Tower
Cuesters 5-9 Murray
Greenhills Emeralds 7-7 Greenhills
Murray Misfits 11-3 EKCO
Whitehills Aces 8-6 Langlands
Ospreys 6-8 Eagles
Hunters 6-8 Salmon Leap
21st February 2012
Hunters 8-6 Ospreys
Entertainers 9-5 Club 2000
Hustlers 12-2 Murray
Tower 5-9 Greenhills
Cuesters 8-6 EKCO
Greenhills Emeralds 4-10 Langlands
Murray Misfits 9-5 Eagles
Whitehills Aces 6-8 Salmon Leap
6th March 2012
Eagles 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Langlands 5-9 Murray Misfits
EKCO 3-11 Greenhills Emeralds
Greenhills 10-4 Cuesters
Murray 8-6 Tower
Top Guns 7-7 Club 2000
Hustlers 8-6 Entertainers
Ospreys 3-11 Salmon Leap
13th March 2012
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Hunters
Salmon Leap 5-9 Murray Misfits
Eagles 2-12 Greenhills Emeralds
Langlands 11-3 Cuesters
EKCO 5-9 Tower
Murray 9-5 Club 2000
Top Guns 6-8 Entertainers
Greenhills 5-9 Hustlers
20th March 2012
Hunters 6-8 Murray Misfits
Whitehills Aces 11-3 Ospreys
Top Guns 8-6 Murray
Club 2000 7-7 Greenhills
Hustlers 9-5 EKCO
Tower 7-7 Langlands
Cuesters 7-7 Eagles
Greenhills Emeralds 9-5 Salmon Leap
3rd April 2012
Ospreys 2-12 Murray Misfits
Murray 4-10 Entertainers
Salmon Leap 10-4 Cuesters
Eagles 5-9 Tower
Langlands 3-11 Hustlers
EKCO 4-10 Club 2000
Greenhills 7-7 Top Guns
Greenhills Emeralds 8-6 Hunters
10th April 2012
Entertainers 7-7 Greenhills
Greenhills Emeralds 7-7 Ospreys
Murray Misfits 10-4 Whitehills Aces
Hustlers 10-4 Eagles
Hunters 10-4 Cuesters
Top Guns 10-4 EKCO
Tower 8-6 Salmon Leap
Club 2000 12-2 Langlands
17th April 2012
Whitehills Aces 6-8 Greenhills Emeralds
Ospreys 6-8 Cuesters
Salmon Leap 6-8 Hustlers
Eagles 9-5 Club 2000
Langlands 3-11 Top Guns
Greenhills 6-8 Murray
EKCO 4-10 Entertainers
Tower 4-10 Hunters
1st May 2012
Murray 9-5 EKCO
Entertainers 12-2 Langlands
Top Guns 12-2 Eagles
Club 2000 7-7 Salmon Leap
Hunters 5-9 Hustlers
Tower 8-6 Ospreys
Cuesters 6-8 Whitehills Aces
Greenhills Emeralds 6-8 Murray Misfits
8th May 2012
Murray Misfits 11-3 Cuesters
Whitehills Aces 10-4 Tower
Ospreys 4-10 Hustlers
Club 2000 7-7 Hunters
Salmon Leap 8-6 Top Guns
Eagles 2-12 Entertainers
Langlands 5-9 Murray
EKCO 6-8 Greenhills
15th May 2012
Greenhills 10-4 Langlands
Murray 12-2 Eagles
Entertainers 9-5 Salmon Leap
Hunters 4-10 Top Guns
Club 2000 7-7 Ospreys
Hustlers 10-4 Whitehills Aces
Tower 5-9 Murray Misfits
Cuesters 7-7 Greenhills Emeralds
22nd May 2012
Greenhills Emeralds 11-3 Tower
Murray Misfits 6-8 Hustlers
Whitehills Aces 10-4 Club 2000
Ospreys 3-11 Top Guns
Entertainers 10-4 Hunters
Salmon Leap 11-3 Murray
Eagles 7-7 Greenhills
Langlands 8-6 EKCO
5th June 2012
EKCO 7-7 Eagles
Greenhills 4-10 Salmon Leap
Murray 9-5 Hunters
Top Guns 10-4 Whitehills Aces
Club 2000 4-10 Murray Misfits
Hustlers 8-6 Greenhills Emeralds
Tower 10-4 Cuesters
Ospreys 5-9 Entertainers
12th June 2012
Cuesters 2-12 Hustlers
Greenhills Emeralds 5-9 Club 2000
Murray Misfits 5-9 Top Guns
Hunters 7-7 Greenhills
Ospreys 4-10 Murray
Entertainers 12-2 Whitehills Aces
Salmon Leap 5-9 EKCO
Eagles 6-8 Langlands
19th June 2012
Langlands 6-8 Salmon Leap
EKCO 6-8 Hunters
Greenhills 11-3 Ospreys
Murray 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Murray Misfits 5-9 Entertainers
Top Guns 9-5 Greenhills Emeralds
Club 2000 9-5 Cuesters
Hustlers 9-5 Tower


Tuesday 28th September 2010
Hustlers 11-3 Tower
Salmon Leap 7-7 Also Rans
Greenhills 9-5 The Jacks
Club 2000 10-4 Hunters
Top Guns 10-4 Ospreys
Whitehills Aces 6-8 The Shooters
Murray 5-9 Entertainers
Eagles 9-5 Cuesters
Tuesday 5th October 2010
Hustlers 8-6 Salmon Leap
Entertainers 12-2 Eagles
The Shooters 4-10 Murray
Ospreys 4-10 Whitehills Aces
Hunters 8-6 Top Guns
The Jacks 4-10 Club 2000
Also Rans 1-13 Greenhills
Tower 7-7 Cuesters
Tuesday 12th October 2010
Salmon Leap 8-6 Tower
Club 2000 9-5 Also Rans
Top Guns 10-4 The Jacks
Whitehills Aces 10-4 Hunters
Eagles 6-8 The Shooters
Cuesters 3-11 Entertainers
Murray 9-5 Ospreys
Greenhills 6-8 Hustlers
Tuesday 19th October 2010
Hustlers 11-3 Club 2000
Salmon Leap 12-2 Greenhills
The Shooters 8-6 Cuesters
Ospreys 11-3 Eagles
Hunters 3-11 Murray
The Jacks 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Also Rans 3-11 Top Guns
Tower 2-12 Entertainers
Tuesday 26th October 2010
Greenhills 9-5 Tower
Club 2000 5-9 Salmon Leap
Top Guns 8-6 Hustlers
Whitehills Aces 10-4 Also Rans
Murray 9-5 The Jacks
Eagles 5-9 Hunters
Cuesters 9-5 Ospreys
Entertainers 13-1 The Shooters
Tuesday 2nd November 2010
Hustlers 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Salmon Leap 7-7 Top Guns
Greenhills 9-5 Club 2000
Ospreys 2-12 Entertainers
Hunters 6-8 Cuesters
The Jacks 4-10 Eagles
Also Rans 1-13 Murray
Tower 7-7 The Shooters
Tuesday 9th November 2010
Club 2000 8-6 Tower
Top Guns 10-4 Greenhills
Whitehills Aces 5-9 Salmon Leap
Murray 5-9 Hustlers
Eagles 13-1 Also Rans
Cuesters 5-9 The Jacks
Entertainers 11-3 Hunters
The Shooters 9-5 Ospreys
Tuesday 16th November 2010
Hustlers 12-2 Eagles
Salmon Leap 6-8 Murray
Greenhills 7-7 Whitehills Aces
Club 2000 8-6 Top Guns
Hunters 8-6 The Shooters
The Jacks 3-11 Entertainers
Also Rans 7-7 Cuesters
Tower 10-4 Ospreys
Tuesday 23rd November 2010
Top Guns 12-2 Tower
Whitehills Aces 6-8 Club 2000
Murray 11-3 Greenhills
Eagles 3-11 Salmon Leap
Cuesters 1-13 Hustlers
Entertainers 12-2 Also Rans
The Shooters 8-6 The Jacks
Ospreys 7-7 Hunters
Tuesday 30th November 2010
Hustlers 7-7 Entertainers
Salmon Leap 10-4 Cuesters
Greenhills 11-3 Eagles
Club 2000 4-10 Murray
Top Guns 9-5 Whitehills Aces
Also Rans 6-8 The Shooters
Tower 9-5 Hunters
Tuesday 7th December 2010
Eagles 4-10 Club 2000
Cuesters 3-11 Greenhills
Hunters 7-7 The Jacks
Ospreys 9-5 Also Rans
Tuesday 14th December 2010
Hustlers 14-0 Ospreys
Salmon Leap 13-1 The Shooters
Greenhills 3-11 Entertainers
Club 2000 12-2 Cuesters
Top Guns 10-4 Eagles
Whitehills Aces 5-9 Murray
Also Rans 5-9 Hunters
Tower 12-2 The Jacks
Tuesday 21st December 2010
Murray 6-8 Tower
Eagles 6-8 Whitehills Aces
Cuesters 5-9 Top Guns
Entertainers 8-6 Club 2000
The Shooters 7-7 Greenhills
Ospreys 1-13 Salmon Leap
Hunters 2-12 Hustlers
The Jacks 9-5 Also Rans
Tuesday 28th December 2010
Murray 5-9 Top Guns
The Shooters 5-9 Hustlers
Club 2000 10-4 Also Rans
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Tower
Entertainers 7-7 Salmon Leap
The Jacks 6-8 Ospreys
Tuesday 4th January 2011
Hustlers 11-3 The Jacks
Salmon Leap 9-5 Hunters
Greenhills 10-4 Ospreys
Club 2000 8-6 The Shooters
Top Guns 5-9 Entertainers
Whitehills Aces 14-0 Cuesters
Murray 10-4 Eagles
Tower 11-3 Also Rans
Tuesday 11th January 2011
Eagles 3-11 Tower
Cuesters 6-8 Murray
Entertainers 10-4 Whitehills Aces
The Shooters 6-8 Top Guns
Ospreys 4-10 Club 2000
Hunters 8-6 Greenhills
The Jacks 2-12 Salmon Leap
Also Rans 1-13 Hustlers
Tuesday 1st February 2011
Tower 4-10 Hustlers
Also Rans 3-11 Salmon Leap
The Jacks 3-11 Greenhills
Hunters 5-9 Club 2000
Ospreys 5-9 Top Guns
The Shooters 5-9 Whitehills Aces
Entertainers 8-6 Murray
Cuesters 4-10 Eagles
Tuesday 8th February 2011
Salmon Leap 4-10 Hustlers
Eagles 5-9 Entertainers
Murray 5-9 The Shooters
Whitehills Aces 11-3 Ospreys
Top Guns 5-9 Hunters
Club 2000 12-2 The Jacks
Greenhills 13-1 Also Rans
Cuesters 1-13 Tower
Tuesday 15th February 2011
Tower 7-7 Salmon Leap
Also Rans 4-10 Club 2000
The Jacks 4-10 Top Guns
Hunters 6-8 Whitehills Aces
The Shooters 9-5 Eagles
Entertainers 13-1 Cuesters
Ospreys 5-9 Murray
Hustlers 9-5 Greenhills
Tuesday 22nd February 2011
Club 2000 6-8 Hustlers
Greenhills 10-4 Salmon Leap
Cuesters 3-11 The Shooters
Eagles 9-5 Ospreys
Murray 13-1 Hunters
Whitehills Aces 7-7 The Jacks
Top Guns 11-3 Also Rans
Entertainers 10-4 Tower
Tuesday 1st March 2011
Tower 5-9 Greenhills
Salmon Leap 9-5 Club 2000
Hustlers 13-1 Top Guns
Also Rans 3-11 Whitehills Aces
The Jacks 4-10 Murray
Hunters 11-3 Eagles
Ospreys 8-6 Cuesters
The Shooters 3-11 Entertainers
Tuesday 8th March 2011
Whitehills Aces 3-11 Hustlers
Top Guns 10-4 Salmon Leap
Club 2000 4-10 Greenhills
Entertainers 13-1 Ospreys
Cuesters 7-7 Hunters
Eagles 6-8 The Jacks
Murray 12-2 Also Rans
The Shooters 9-5 Tower
Tuesday 15th March 2011
Tower 7-7 Club 2000
Greenhills 9-5 Top Guns
Salmon Leap 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Hustlers 9-5 Murray
Also Rans 4-10 Eagles
The Jacks 6-8 Cuesters
Hunters 4-10 Entertainers
Ospreys 5-9 The Shooters
Tuesday 22nd March 2011
Eagles 4-10 Hustlers
Murray 7-7 Salmon Leap
Whitehills Aces 4-10 Greenhills
Top Guns 5-9 Club 2000
The Shooters 8-6 Hunters
Entertainers 11-3 The Jacks
Cuesters 8-6 Also Rans
Ospreys 5-9 Tower
Tuesday 29th March 2011
Tower 9-5 Top Guns
Club 2000 7-7 Whitehills Aces
Greenhills 6-8 Murray
Salmon Leap 12-2 Eagles
Hustlers 14-0 Cuesters
Also Rans 1-13 Entertainers
The Jacks 4-10 The Shooters
Hunters 9-5 Ospreys
Tuesday 12th April 2011
Entertainers 7-7 Hustlers
Cuesters 3-11 Salmon Leap
Eagles 5-9 Greenhills
Murray 5-9 Club 2000
Whitehills Aces 4-10 Top Guns
The Shooters 10-4 Also Rans
Hunters 6-8 Tower
Ospreys 4-10 Jacks
Tuesday 19th April 2011
Club 2000 12-2 Eagles
Greenhills 10-4 Cuesters
The Jacks 6-8 Hunters
Also Rans 8-6 Ospreys
Top Guns 9-5 Murray
Hustlers 9-5 The Shooters
Tower 6-8 Whitehills Aces
Salmon Leap 7-7 Entertainers
Tuesday 26th April 2011
Ospreys 3-11 Hustlers
The Shooters 6-8 Salmon Leap
Entertainers 10-4 Greenhills
Cuesters 2-12 Club 2000
Eagles 3-11 Top Guns
Murray 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Hunters 14-0 Also Rans
The Jacks 3-11 Tower
Tuesday 10th May 2011
Tower 3-11 Murray
Whitehills Aces 12-2 Eagles
Top Guns 9-5 Cuesters
Club 2000 5-9 Entertainers
Greenhills 8-6 The Shooters
Salmon Leap 14-0 Ospreys
Hustlers 10-4 Hunters
Also Rans 2-12 The Jacks
Tuesday 17th May 2011
The Jacks 3-11 Hustlers
Hunters 6-8 Salmon Leap
Ospreys 1-13 Greenhills
The Shooters 10-4 Club 2000
Entertainers 6-8 Top Guns
Cuesters 4-10 Whitehills Aces
Eagles 6-8 Murray
Also Rans 5-9 Tower
Tuesday 24th May 2011
Tower 9-5 Eagles
Murray 13-1 Cuesters
Whitehills Aces 8-6 Entertainers
Top Guns 11-3 The Shooters
Club 2000 9-5 Ospreys
Greenhills 11-3 Hunters
Salmon Leap 10-4 The Jacks
Hustlers 14-0 Also Rans


Tuesday 22nd September
Also Rans 2-12 Hustlers
Hunters 2-12 Flukesters
Entertainers 10-4 Centre One
Sharpshooters 6-8 Greenhills
Hotshots 10-4 Top Guns
Tower Bar 4-10 Whitehills Aces
Greenhills Shooters 10-4 Westwood
Eagles 5-9 Club 2000
Tuesday 29th September
Hustlers 11-3 Eagles
Flukesters 13-1 Also Rans
Hunters 6-8 Entertainers
Centre One 3-11 Greenhills
Top Guns 7-7 Sharpshooters
Greenhills Shooters 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Westwood 3-11 Murray
Club 2000 9-5 Tower Bar
Tuesday 6th October
Hustlers 8-6 Hotshots
Flukesters 10-4 Top Guns
Greenhills 8-6 Entertainers
Murray 11-3 Also Rans
Whitehills Aces 13-1 Centre One
Sharpshooters 8-6 Club 2000
Eagles 7-7 Greenhills Shooters
Westwood 5-9 Hunters
Tuesday 13th October
Murray 8-6 Hunters
Greenhills 3-11 Flukesters
Hotshots 5-9 Club 2000
Sharpshooters 7-7 Whitehills Aces
Also Rans 7-7 Greenhills Shooters
Westwood 8-6 Centre One
Eagles 6-8 Tower Bar
Top Guns 4-10 Hustlers
Tuesday 20th October
Hustlers 9-5 Tower Bar
Flukesters 13-1 Eagles
Also Rans 1-13 Entertainers
Greenhills 10-4 Hunters
Sharpshooters 4-10 Hotshots
Top Guns 11-3 Centre One
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Murray
Club 2000 11-3 Greenhills Shooters
Tuesday 27th October
Club 2000 3-11 Flukesters
Entertainers 9-5 Whitehills Aces
Greenhills 12-2 Westwood
Hotshots 6-8 Greenhills Shooters
Top Guns 7-7 Murray
Hunters 11-3 Also Rans
Tower Bar 5-9 Sharpshooters
Centre One 7-7 Eagles
Tuesday 3rd November
Entertainers 6-8 Hustlers
Greenhills 11-3 Club 2000
Hotshots 8-6 Westwood
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Top Guns
Murray 12-2 Sharpshooters
Tower Bar 3-11 Hunters
Centre One 8-6 Greenhills Shooters
Eagles 8-6 Also Rans
Tuesday 10th November
Hustlers 9-5 Flukesters
Entertainers 12-2 Club 2000
Whitehills Aces 6-8 Greenhills
Murray 6-8 Hotshots
Greenhills Shooters 8-6 Sharpshooters
Westwood 2-12 Top Guns
Eagles 4-10 Hunters
Centre One 5-9 Tower Bar
Tuesday 17th November
Greenhills 4-10 Hustlers
Flukesters 6-8 Entertainers
Hotshots 10-4 Whitehills Aces
Club 2000 4-10 Top Guns
Hunters 7-7 Greenhills Shooters
Murray 14-0 Centre One
Westwood 4-10 Sharpshooters
Also Rans 4-10 Tower Bar
Tuesday 24th November
Hunters 2-12 Hustlers
Centre One 2-12 Flukesters
Entertainers 11-3 Sharpshooters
Hotshots 9-5 Greenhills
Greenhills Shooters 5-9 Murray
Eagles 3-11 Whitehills Aces
Westwood 6-8 Tower Bar
Also Rans 7-7 Club 2000
Tuesday 1st December
Hustlers 7-7 Whitehills Aces
Flukesters 13-1 Westwood
Murray 6-8 Entertainers
Greenhills Shooters 5-9 Greenhills
Tower Bar 6-8 Top Guns
Eagles 6-8 Hotshots
Hunters 12-2 Centre One
Sharpshooters 8-6 Also Rans
Tuesday 8th December
Hustlers 10-4 Murray
Flukesters 12-2 Greenhills Shooters
Tower Bar 5-9 Entertainers
Hunters 2-12 Hotshots
Greenhills 8-6 Eagles
Club 2000 9-5 Westwood
Centre One 1-13 Sharpshooters
Top Guns 11-3 Also Rans
Tuesday 15th December
Hustlers 12-2 Westwood
Flukesters 9-5 Murray
Greenhills Shooters 3-11 Entertainers
Tower Bar 4-10 Greenhills
Eagles 3-11 Top Guns
Whitehills Aces 6-8 Club 2000
Sharpshooters 5-9 Hunters
Hotshots 11-3 Also Rans
Tuesday 22nd December
Sharpshooters 4-10 Hustlers
Hotshots 5-9 Flukesters
Entertainers 9-5 Top Guns
Murray 11-3 Eagles
Greenhills Shooters 8-6 Tower Bar
Hunters 6-8 Whitehills Aces
Westwood 3-11 Also Rans
Club 2000 10-4 Centre One
Tuesday 5th January
Hustlers 12-2 Club 2000
Whitehills Aces 6-8 Flukesters
Entertainers 13-1 Westwood
Greenhills 5-9 Murray
Tower Bar 5-9 Hotshots
Top Guns 10-4 Greenhills Shooters
Sharpshooters 10-4 Eagles
Also Rans 9-5 Centre One
Tuesday 12th January
Greenhills Shooters 5-9 Hustlers
Tower Bar 5-9 Flukesters
Entertainers 13-1 Eagles
Centre One 3-11 Hotshots
Also Rans 5-9 Greenhills
Top Guns 10-4 Hunters
Club 2000 4-10 Murray
Whitehills Aces 11-3 Westwood
Tuesday 19th January
Centre One 2-12 Hustlers
Flukesters 9-5 Sharpshooters
Hotshots 7-7 Entertainers
Greenhills 8-6 Top Guns
Club 2000 7-7 Hunters
Whitehills Aces 9-5 Also Rans
Eagles 8-6 Westwood
Murray 5-9 Tower Bar
Tuesday 2nd February
League 1
Club 2000 6-8 Hustlers
Murray 9-5 Flukesters
Entertainers 7-7 Hotshots

League 2
Centre One 4-10 Whitehills Aces
Hunters 7-7 Tower
Sharpshooters 7-7 Westwood

Tuesday 9th February
League 1
Club 2000 8-6 Greenhills
Top Guns 7-7 Flukesters

League 2
Whitehills Aces 8-6 Tower
Centre One 4-10 Also Rans
Eagles 6-8 Sharpshooters
Westwood 3-11 Greenhills Shooters

Tuesday 16th February
League 1
Top Guns 7-7 Hustlers
Entertainers 12-2 Murray
Greenhills 9-5 Hotshots

League 2
Hunters 11-3 Eagles
Tower 8-6 Greenhills Shooters
Also Rans 6-8 Westwood
Sharpshooters 10-4 Centre One

Tuesday 2nd March
League 1
Hotshots 3-11 Hustlers
Flukesters 10-4 Club 2000
Top Guns 6-8 Entertainers

League 2
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Greenhills Shooters
Centre One 6-8 Hunters
Also Rans 4-10 Sharpshooters
Westwood 5-9 Eagles

Tuesday 9th March
League 1
Top Guns 5-9 Greenhills
Murray 6-8 Hustlers

League 2
Sharpshooters 7-7 Tower
Also Rans 5-9 Hunters
Greenhills Shooters 9-5 Centre One
Westwood 5-9 Whitehills Aces

Tuesday 16th March
League 1
Flukesters 8-6 Hotshots
Murray 5-9 Greenhills
Club 2000 3-11 Entertainers

League 2
Hunters 5-9 Sharpshooters
Greenhills Shooters 11-3 Also Rans
Tower 11-3 Centre One
Whitehills Aces 8-6 Eagles

Tuesday 23rd March
League 1
Hustlers 13-1 Greenhills
Entertainers 10-4 Flukesters
Murray 7-7 Club 2000

League 2
Hunters 9-5 Westwood
Also Rans 6-8 Whitehills Aces
Greenhills Shooters 9-5 Eagles

Tuesday 30th March
League 1
Top Guns 7-7 Hotshots
6th April
League 1
Hustlers 6-8 Entertainers
Flukesters 6-8 Greenhills
Club 2000 5-9 Hotshots
Murray 5-9 Top Guns

League 2
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Sharpshooters
Greenhills Shooters 4-10 Hunters
Tower 9-5 Eagles
Centre One 7-7 Westwood

13th April
League 1
Top Guns 9-5 Club 2000
Hotshots 4-10 Murray
Entertainers 7-7 Greenhills
Flukesters 5-9 Hustlers

League 2
Whitehills Aces 12-2 Hunters
Tower 10-4 Also Rans
Eagles 7-7 Centre One
Sharpshooters 9-5 Greenhills Shooters

20th April
League 2
Also Rans 8-6 Eagles
Tower 12-2 Westwood


Tuesday 25th March
Whitehills Aces 4-10 Flukesters
Greenhills 8-6 Hotshots
The Murray 11-3 Westwood
Entertainers 13-1 Greenhills Shooters
Top Guns 9-5 Hobos
The Hustlers 14-0 Centre One
Tower Bar 10-4 Eglinton Arms
Sharpshooters 10-4 Club 2000

Tuesday 1st April
Eglinton Arms 1-13 The Hustlers
Hotshots 5-9 Top Guns
Club 2000 3-11 Greenhills
Flukesters 8-6 The Murray
Greenhills Shooters 7-7 Sharpshooters
Centre One 4-10 Tower Bar
Westwood 10-4 Also Rans

Tuesday 8th April
Westwood 1-13 Entertainers
Flukesters 11-3 Top Guns
Eglinton Arms 4-10 Greenhills
Whitehills Aces 8-6 Hotshots
Hobos 6-8 Sharpshooters
Greenhills Shooters 7-7 Tower Bar
Club 2000 7-7 Also Rans

Tuesday 15th April
Greenhills 6-8 Flukesters
Top Guns 9-5 Sharpshooters
Tower Bar 10-4 Westwood
Also Rans 5-9 Greenhills Shooters
Whitehills Aces 8-6 Hobos
The Murray 12-2 Centre One
Entertainers 12-2 Eglinton Arms
The Hustlers 12-2 Club 2000

Tuesday 22nd April
Top Guns 5-9 Entertainers
Sharpshooters 4-10 Flukesters
The Hustlers 9-5 The Murray
Club 2000 6-8 Tower Bar
Greenhills 11-3 Also Rans
Hobos 5-9 Greenhills Shooters
Hotshots 11-3 Eglinton Arms

Tuesday 29th April
Also Rans 3-11 The Hustlers
The Murray 8-6 Greenhills
Westwood 5-9 Hotshots
Tower Bar 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Entertainers 12-2 Sharpshooters
Eglinton Arms 7-7 Hobos
Centre One 5-9 Club 2000

Tuesday 6th May
Whitehills Aces 5-9 Entertainers
Sharpshooters 2-12 The Murray
Hotshots 13-1 Also Rans
Greenhills 8-6 Westwood
Top Guns 9-5 Greenhills Shooters
Hobos 8-6 Centre One
Club 2000 7-7 Eglinton Arms

Tuesday 13th May
Tower Bar 3-11 The Hustlers
Centre One 2-12 Top Guns
Entertainers 10-4 Greenhills
The Murray 9-5 Hotshots
Also Rans 3-11 Whitehills Aces
Flukesters 14-0 Club 2000

Tuesday 20th May
Greenhills Shooters 3-11 The Hustlers
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Greenhills
Hobos 0-14 Hotshots
Top Guns 7-7 The Murray
Tower Bar 6-8 Sharpshooters
Eglinton Arms 8-6 Also Rans
Flukesters 14-0 Westwood
Entertainers 11-3 Centre One

Tuesday 27th May
Also Rans 3-11 Entertainers
Centre One 0-14 Flukesters
Club 2000 5-9 Top Guns
Sharpshooters 8-6 Whitehills Aces
The Murray 5-9 Tower Bar
Westwood 7-7 Greenhills Shooters
The Hustlers 14-0 Hobos

Tuesday 3rd June
The Hustlers 13-1 Flukesters
Top Guns 5-9 Greenhills
Entertainers 6-8 Hotshots
Greenhills Shooters 2-12 The Murray
Club 2000 5-9 Whitehills Aces
Centre One 4-10 Sharpshooters
Hobos 6-8 Westwood

Tuesday 10th June
Greenhills Shooters 3-11 Flukesters
Tower Bar 2-12 Greenhills
The Hustlers 9-5 Hotshots
Also Rans 8-6 Hobos
Westwood 7-7 Centre One
Whitehills Aces 6-8 Eglinton Arms
The Murray 12-2 Club 2000

Tuesday 17th June
Top Guns 5-9 The Hustlers
Club 2000 0-14 Entertainers
Greenhills 8-6 Sharpshooters
Hobos 0-14 Tower Bar
Flukesters 12-2 Also Rans
Eglinton Arms 5-9 Westwood
Hotshots 12-2 Greenhills Shooters

Tuesday 24th June
Tower Bar 2-12 Flukesters
Whitehills Aces 6-8 Top Guns
The Hustlers 8-6 Greenhills
Sharpshooters 4-10 Hotshots
Entertainers 14-0 Hobos
Also Rans 7-7 Centre One
Greenhills Shooters 9-5 Eglinton Arms
Westwood 7-7 Club 2000

Tuesday 1st July
Entertainers 13-1 The Hustlers
Hobos 3-11 Greenhills
Tower Bar 5-9 Hotshots
Eglinton Arms 5-9 The Murray
Top Guns 13-1 Also Rans
Whitehills Aces 9-5 Westwood
Greenhills Shooters 8-6 Centre One

Tuesday 8th July
The Murray 5-9 Entertainers
Hotshots 8-6 Flukesters
Westwood 5-9 Top Guns
The Hustlers 12-2 Whitehills Aces
Also Rans 3-11 Tower Bar
Club 2000 7-7 Hobos
Centre One 6-8 Eglinton Arms

Tuesday 15th July
The Murray 11-3 Hobos

Tuesday 5th August
Sharpshooters 5-9 The Hustlers
Tower Bar 2-12 Entertainers
The Murray 14-0 Also Rans
Whitehills Aces 8-6 Greenhills Shooters
Greenhills 9-5 Centre One
Hotshots 12-2 Club 2000

Tuesday 12th August
Westwood 6-8 The Hustlers
Entertainers 6-8 Flukesters
Greenhills Shooters 4-10 Greenhills
Centre One 4-10 Hotshots
Whitehills Aces 6-8 The Murray
Top Guns 9-5 Tower Bar
Sharpshooters 10-4 Eglinton Arms

Tuesday 19th August
Eglinton Arms 3-11 Top Guns
Centre One 3-11 Whitehills Aces
Sharpshooters 9-5 Westwood
Club 2000 4-10 Greenhills Shooters
Flukesters 12-2 Hobos

Tuesday 2nd September
Centre One 1-13 The Hustlers
Greenhills Shooters 6-8 Entertainers
Hobos 0-14 Top Guns
Hotshots 8-6 Greenhills
Westwood 7-7 The Murray
Flukesters 12-2 Whitehills Aces
Club 2000 2-12 Sharpshooters
Eglinton Arms 5-9 Tower Bar

Tuesday 9th September
The Murray 3-11 Flukesters
Top Guns 8-6 Hotshots
Also Rans 7-7 Westwood
Sharpshooters 9-5 Greenhills Shooters
Tower Bar 9-5 Centre One
The Hustlers 13-1 Eglinton Arms
Greenhills 10-4 Club 2000

Tuesday 16th September
Top Guns 6-8 Flukesters
Hotshots 10-4 Whitehills Aces
Entertainers 11-3 Westwood
Tower Bar 9-5 Greenhills Shooters
Sharpshooters 14-0 Hobos
Greenhills 13-1 Eglinton Arms
Also Rans 3-11 Club 2000

Tuesday 23rd September
Eglinton Arms 6-8 Entertainers
Sharpshooters 9-5 Top Guns
Flukesters 8-6 Greenhills
Centre One 2-12 The Murray
Hobos 0-14 Whitehills Aces
Westwood 7-7 Tower Bar
The Hustlers 11-3 Club 2000
Greenhills Shooters 8-6 Also Rans

Tuesday 30th September
Hobos 0-14 The Murray
Flukesters 14-0 Eglinton Arms
Also Rans 2-12 Sharpshooters

Tuesday 7th October
The Murray 4-10 The Hustlers
Entertainers 7-7 Top Guns
Also Rans 2-12 Greenhills
Eglinton Arms 3-11 Hotshots
Flukesters 8-6 Sharpshooters
Greenhills Shooters 14-0 Hobos
Tower Bar 10-4 Club 2000

Tuesday 14th October
Sharpshooters 3-11 Entertainers
Greenhills 7-7 The Murray
Whitehills Aces 8-6 Tower Bar
The Hustlers 13-1 Also Rans
Hotshots 13-1 Westwood
Club 2000 10-4 Centre One
Hobos 0-14 Eglinton Arms

Tuesday 21st October
Greenhills Shooters 5-9 Top Guns
Westwood 4-10 Greenhills
Also Rans 2-12 Hotshots
Entertainers 9-5 Whitehills Aces
The Murray 8-6 Sharpshooters
Centre One 14-0 Hobos
Eglinton Arms 6-8 Club 2000

Tuesday 28th October
Greenhills 2-12 Entertainers
Club 2000 5-9 Flukesters
Hotshots 9-5 The Murray
Eglinton Arms 5-9 Sharpshooters
The Hustlers 11-3 Tower Bar
Whitehills Aces 11-3 Also Rans
Top Guns 12-2 Centre One

Tuesday 4th November
Westwood 0-14 Flukesters
Centre One 4-10 Entertainers
The Murray 5-9 Top Guns
Greenhills 8-6 Whitehills Aces
Sharpshooters 8-6 Tower Bar
The Hustlers 12-2 Greenhills Shooters
Hotshots 14-0 Hobos
Also Rans 5-9 Eglinton Arms

Tuesday 11th November
Hobos 0-14 The Hustlers
Tower Bar 3-11 The Murray
Whitehills Aces 3-11 Sharpshooters
Entertainers 12-2 Also Rans
Greenhills Shooters 11-3 Westwood
Flukesters 12-2 Centre One
Top Guns 10-4 Club 2000

Tuesday 18th November
Flukesters 6-8 The Hustlers
Hotshots 6-8 Entertainers
Greenhills 7-7 Top Guns
The Murray 13-1 Greenhills Shooters
Westwood 14-0 Hobos
Sharpshooters 8-6 Centre One
Whitehills Aces 7-7 Club 2000

Tuesday 25th November
Hotshots 8-6 The Hustlers
Eglinton Arms 7-7 Whitehills Aces
Club 2000 8-6 The Murray
Greenhills 10-4 Tower Bar
Hobos 0-14 Also Rans
Centre One 5-9 Westwood
Flukesters 12-2 Greenhills Shooters

Tuesday 2nd December
Also Rans 2-12 Flukesters
The Hustlers 11-3 Top Guns
Sharpshooters 5-9 Greenhills
Greenhills Shooters 2-12 Hotshots
Tower Bar 14-0 Hobos
Westwood 14-0 Eglinton Arms
Entertainers 11-3 Club 2000

Tuesday 9th December
Greenhills 6-8 The Hustlers
Hobos 0-14 Entertainers
Top Guns 5-9 Whitehills Aces
Hotshots 7-7 Sharpshooters
Flukesters 11-3 Tower Bar
Centre One 11-3 Also Rans
Club 2000 11-3 Westwood
Eglinton Arms 8-6 Greenhills Shooters

Tuesday 16th December
The Hustlers 11-3 Entertainers
Also Rans 1-13 Top Guns
Westwood 7-7 Whitehills Aces
Hotshots 12-2 Tower Bar
Centre One 7-7 Greenhills Shooters
Greenhills 14-0 Hobos
The Murray 12-2 Eglinton Arms

Tuesday 6th January
Whitehills Aces 1-13 The Hustlers
Flukesters 10-4 Hotshots
Entertainers 9-5 The Murray
Tower Bar 11-3 Also Rans
Top Guns 7-7 Westwood
Eglinton Arms 6-8 Centre One
Hobos 0-14 Club 2000

Tuesday 13th January
Eglinton Arms 4-10 Flukesters
Centre One 5-9 Greenhills
Club 2000 5-9 Hotshots
Also Rans 2-12 The Murray
Greenhills Shooters 6-8 Whitehills Aces
The Hustlers 10-4 Sharpshooters
Entertainers 8-6 Tower Bar

Tuesday 20th January
Flukesters 6-8 Entertainers
Tower Bar 4-10 Top Guns
The Murray 5-9 Whitehills Aces
Sharpshooters 10-4 Also Rans
The Hustlers 12-2 Westwood
Greenhills 9-5 Greenhills Shooters
Hotshots 10-4 Centre One

Tuesday 27th January
Hobos 0-14 Flukesters
Westwood 4-10 Sharpshooters
Whitehills Aces 10-4 Centre One
Top Guns 12-2 Eglinton Arms
Greenhills Shooters 5-9 Club 2000

Tuesday 17th February
League 1
Hotshots 10-4 Sharpshooters
Murray 7-7 Entertainers

League 2
Whitehills Aces 11-3 Tower Bar
Westwood 6-8 Greenhills Shooters
Club 2000 11-3 Eglinton Arms
Centre One 7-7 Also Rans

Tuesday 24th February
League 1
Entertainers 8-6 Top Guns
Greenhills 3-11 Flukesters
Sharpshooters 2-12 Hustlers

League 2
Whitehills Aces 9-5 Club 2000
Eglinton Arms 10-4 Also Rans
Centre One 3-11 Westwood

Tuesday 3rd March
League 1
Hustlers 9-5 Greenhills
Entertainers 9-5 Sharpshooters
Flukesters 9-5 Murray
Top Guns 7-7 Hotshots

League 2
Tower Bar 8-6 Centre One
Greenhills Shooters 3-11 Club 2000
Also Rans 5-9 Westwood

Tuesday 10th March
League 1
Hustlers 12-2 Murray
Flukesters 9-5 Top Guns
Hotshots 6-8 Greenhills

League 2
Whitehills Aces 6-8 Greenhills Shooters
Tower Bar 8-6 Also Rans
Eglinton Arms 5-9 Westwood

Tuesday 17th March
League 1
Entertainers 10-4 Greenhills
Hotshots 5-9 Murray
Top Guns 5-9 Hustlers
Sharpshooters 3-11 Flukesters

League 2
Club 2000 8-6 Westood
Eglinton Arms 8-6 Tower Bar
Also Rans 6-8 Greenhills Shooters

Tuesday 7th April
League 1
Entertainers 7-7 Flukesters
Hotshots 5-9 Hustlers
Murray 5-9 Greenhills
Sharpshooters 4-10 Top Guns

League 2
Westwood 5-9 Whitehills Aces
Greenhills Shooters 7-7 Tower Bar
Club 2000 14-0 Centre One

Tuesday 14th April
League 1
Flukesters 9-5 Hustlers
Hotshots 3-11 Entertainers
Greenhills 10-4 Sharpshooters
Top Guns 8-6 Murray

League 2
Whitehills Aces 12-2 Also Rans
Tower Bar 7-7 Club 2000
Centre One 4-10 Eglinton Arms

Tuesday 5th May
League 1
Hustlers 7-7 Entertainers
Flukesters 13-1 Hotshots
Greenhills 10-4 Top Guns
Murray 11-3 Sharpshooters

League 2
Westood 7-7 Tower Bar
Greenhills Shooters 8-6 Eglinton Arms
Club 2000 9-5 Also Rans
Centre One 6-8 Whitehills Aces

Tuesday 19th May
League 2
Whitehills Aces 11-3 Eglinton Arms
Centre One 4-10 Greenhills Shooters


Tuesday 13th March
The Hustlers 12-2 Club 2k
Westwood 4-10 Entertainers
W’hills Aces 9-5 Sharpshooters
Hunters 6-8 Hotshots
Greenhills 9-5 Tower
Hobos 1-13 Fluksters
Also Rans 1-13 Top Guns

Tuesday 20th March
Sharpshooters 8-6 Westwood
Club 2k 6-8 W’hills Aces
Hotshots 10-4 Greenhills
Fluksters 13-1 Also Rans
Tower 3-11 The Hustlers
Entertainers 9-5 The Murray
Top Guns 10-4 Hunters

Tuesday 27th March
W’hills Aces 12-2 Tower
Hunters 7-7 Fluksters
Greenhills 11-3 Top Guns
Hobos 1-13 Entertainers
Sharpshooters 10-4 Club 2k
Westwood 3-11 The Murray
The Hustlers 7-7 Hotshots

Tuesday 3rd April
The Murray 10-4 Hobos
Top Guns 6-8 The Hustlers
Entertainers 13-1 Also Rans
Fluksters 9-5 Greenhills
Hotshots 7-7 W’hills Aces
Tower 5-9 Sharpshooters
Club 2k 8-6 Westwood

Tuesday 10th April
Also Rans 1-13 The Murray
W’hills Aces 5-9 Top Guns
Sharpshooters 4-10 Hotshots
Hunters 5-9 Entertainers
The Hustlers 10-4 Fluksters
Club 2k 6-8 Tower
Westwood 7-7 Hobos

Tuesday 17th April
Tower 6-8 Westwood
Entertainers 8-6 Greenhills
Fluksters 11-3 W’hills Aces
Top Guns 8-6 Sharpshooters
Hotshots 14-0 Club 2k
The Murray 7-7 Hunters
Hobos 9-5 Also Rans

Tuesday 24th April
Westwood 6-8 Also Rans
Greenhills 8-6 The Murray
Hunters 12-2 Hobos
The Hustlers 11-3 Entertainers
Sharpshooters 6-8 Fluksters
Club 2k 3-11 Top Guns
Tower 4-10 Hotshots

Tuesday 1st May
Top Guns 12-2 Tower
Also Rans 0-14 Hunters
Entertainers 8-6 W’hills Aces
Hotshots 10-4 Westwood
Fluksters 13-1 Club 2k
The Murray 4-10 The Hustlers
Hobos 4-10 Greenhills

Tuesday 8th May
W’hills Aces 6-8 The Murray
Greenhills 12-2 Also Rans
The Hustlers 13-1 Hobos
Westwood 4-10 Hunters
Sharpshooters 8-6 Entertainers
Hotshots 6-8 Top Guns
Tower 6-8 Fluksters

Tuesday 15th May
Entertainers 12-2 Club 2k
Hunters 7-7 Greenhills
Top Guns 10-4 Westwood
Fluksters 6-8 Hotshots
Also Rans 2-12 The Hustlers
The Murray 10-4 Sharpshooters
Hobos 3-11 W’hills Aces

Tuesday 22nd May
W’hills Aces 12-2 Also Rans
Westwood 3-11 Greenhills
Club 2k 4-10 The Murray
Sharpshooters 10-4 Hobos
Top Guns 5-9 Fluksters
The Hustlers 8-6 Hunters
Tower 7-7 Entertainers

Tuesday 29th May
The Murray 12-2 Tower
Entertainers 10-4 Hotshots
Hunters 10-4 W’hills Aces
Also Rans 2-12 Sharpshooters
Hobos 6-8 Club 2k
Fluksters 12-2 Westwood
Greenhills 7-7 The Hustlers

Tuesday 5th June
Hotshots 8-6 The Murray
Westwood 1-13 The Hustlers
Sharpshooters 7-7 Hunters
Top Guns 4-10 Entertainers
W’hills Aces 5-9 Greenhills
Tower 6-8 Hobos
Club 2k 11-3 Also Rans

Tuesday 12th June
Also Rans 5-9 Tower
The Murray 8-6 Top Guns
Hobos 5-9 Hotshots
Entertainers 7-7 Fluksters
Greenhills 8-6 Sharpshooters
The Hustlers 9-5 W’hills Aces
Hunters 10-4 Club 2k

Tuesday 19th June
Sharpshooters 4-10 The Hustlers
Fluksters 6-8 The Murray
Top Guns 9-5 Hobos
W’hills Aces 8-6 Westwood
Club 2k 1-13 Greenhills
Hotshots 12-2 Also Rans
Tower 1-13 Hunters

Tuesday 3rd July
Club 2k 0-14 The Hustlers
Entertainers 11-3 Westwood
Sharpshooters 6-8 W’hills Aces
Hotshots 5-9 Hunters
Tower 4-10 Greenhills
Fluksters 10-4 Hobos
TopGuns 12-2 AlsoRans

Tuesday 10th July
Westwood 6-8 Sharpshooters
W’hills Aces 10-4 Club 2k
Greenhills 4-10 Hotshots
AlsoRans 2-12 Fluksters
The Hustlers 12-2 Tower
The Murray 7-7 Entertainers
Hunters 3-11 TopGuns

Tuesday 17th July
Tower 6-8 W’hills Aces
Fluksters 10-4 Hunters
TopGuns 10-4 Greenhills
Entertainers 10-4 Hobos
Club 2k 7-7 Sharpshooters
The Murray 12-2 Westwood
Hotshots 3-11 The Hustlers

Tuesday 24th July
Hobos 7-7 The Murray
The Hustlers 9-5 TopGuns
AlsoRans 4-10 Entertainers
Greenhills 4-10 Fluksters
W’hills Aces 13-1 Hotshots
Sharpshooters 10-4 Tower
Westwood 5-9 Club 2k

Tuesday 31st July
The Murray 10-4 AlsoRans
TopGuns 9-5 W’hills Aces
Hotshots 12-2 Sharpshooters
Entertainers 8-6 Hunters
Fluksters 6-8 The Hustlers
Tower 9-5 Club 2k
Hobos 8-6 Westwood

Tuesday 7th August
Westwood 7-7 Tower
Greenhills 6-8 Entertainers
W’hills Aces 6-8 Fluksters
Sharpshooters 5-9 TopGuns
Club 2k 5-9 Hotshots
Hunters 7-7 The Murray
AlsoRans 3-11 Hobos

Tuesday 14th August
AlsoRans 4-10 Westwood
The Murray 5-9 Greenhills
Hobos 5-9 Hunters
Entertainers 5-9 The Hustlers
Fluksters 11-3 Sharpshooters
Hotshots 9-5 Tower
TopGuns 9-5 Club 2k

Tuesday 21st August
Tower 8-6 TopGuns
Hunters 10-4 AlsoRans
W’hills Aces 3-11 Entertainers
Westwood 6-8 Hotshots
Club 2k 2-12 Fluksters
The Hustlers 8-6 The Murray
Greenhills 10-4 Hobos

Tuesday 28th August
The Murray 8-6 W’hills Aces
AlsoRans 1-13 Greenhills
Hobos 2-12 The Hustlers
Hunters 12-2 Westwood
Entertainers 10-4 Sharpshooters
TopGuns 4-10 Hotshots
Fluksters 12-2 Tower

Tuesday 4th September
Club 2k 1-13 Entertainers
Greenhills 9-5 Hunters
Westwood 4-10 TopGuns
Hotshots 1-13 Fluksters
The Hustlers 14-0 AlsoRans
Sharpshooters 3-11 The Murray
W’hills Aces 10-4 Hobos

Tuesday 11th September
AlsoRans 3-11 W’hills Aces
Greenhills 9-5 Westwood
The Murray 11-3 Club 2k
Hobos 7-7 Sharpshooters
Fluksters 8-6 TopGuns
Hunters 5-9 The Hustlers
Entertainers 10-4 Tower

Tuesday 25th September
Tower 2-12 The Murray
Hotshots 5-9 Entertainers
W’hills Aces 8-6 Hunters
Sharpshooters 10-4 AlsoRans
Club 2k 7-7 Hobos
Westwood 2-12 Fluksters
The Hustlers 8-6 Greenhills

Tuesday 2nd October
The Murray 6-8 Hotshots
The Hustlers 10-4 Westwood
Hunters 10-4 Sharpshooters
Entertainers 6-8 TopGuns
Greenhills 7-7 W’hills Aces
Hobos 8-6 Tower
AlsoRans 5-9 Club 2k

Tuesday 9th October
Tower 10-4 AlsoRans
TopGuns 5-9 The Murray
Hotshots 10-4 Hobos
Fluksters 12-2 Entertainers
Sharpshooters 4-10 Greenhills
W’hills Aces 4-10 The Hustlers
Club 2k 5-9 Hunters

Tuesday 16th October
The Hustlers 8-6 Sharpshooters
The Murray 11-3 Fluksters
Hobos 0-14 TopGuns
Westwood 5-9 W’hills Aces
Greenhills 10-4 Club 2k
AlsoRans 4-10 Hotshots
Hunters 11-3 Tower