Ashley Degning

Ashley Degning

Player Information

Nickname/Web username: ash/rockstar/fullmetalash
Year of birth: 1986
Year started playing pool: 2004
Current team: Ospreys


A relative newcomer to the league, Ashley Degning is one of the few female members of the pool fraternity. She is currently enjoying life as captain of the ever improving Ospreys team playing out of Club 2000. It could be said that Ash encapsulates everything about the current Ospreys team: friendly, lively…and noisy!

Singles Information

Aspirations for the current season:
Enter as many tournaments as possible.

Greatest pool achievement in singles:
First round knock outs!

Honours in singles competition
Hee haw.

Team Information

Aspirations for the current season:
Not to finish bottom of table.

Greatest pool achievement with a team:
Semi finals of the Silver cup.

Honours in team competition
Semi finals of the Silver cup.


Make: Riley
Acquired: Present when I joined the team
Cost: £45
Tip size: 10.5mm
Who retips it? The guv’nor [Billy Edmond]

General Questions

Who, or what, inspired you to play?
Working in pubs with pool tables. I love snooker but I’m too short to play, so pool seemed like the easiest option.

Favourite EK team you have played in?

Favourite EK team you haven’t played in?

Best player you have ever played against?
Players who don’t put me down and are willing to give a few pointers. Monster [Colin Harkness], Jack Stewart, wee Stu [Robertson], and Whoosh [John Corbrick] to name a few.

Best player you have played alongside?
Ben [Docherty] and Tommy [Meldrum].

Favourite pro players (Pool or Snooker):

  • Stephen Hendry
  • Paul Hunter
  • Stephen McGuire

Who is your bogey player?
Nicola Keenan.

What’s the one match that sticks in your memory
When we beat the Emeralds this season. It may only have been a friendly, but we played some kick ass pool that night!

What’s would you say your best pool attribute is?
I don’t cheat. I’ll call a foul even if the ref doesnt see it.

What do you think we could do to raise the standard of pool in EK?
More free tournaments. Also, I think the standard should be raised by the better players in the league helping out the other players.

Anything else you would like to say?
Thanks to everyone who has accepted me into the league as a player and not just a girl who tries to play pool. Hopefully everyone will get there eventually. And of course…’mon the Ospreys!